EU elections / Daniel Pocock runs for Ireland, Midlands-North-West

Well known Debian Developer Daniel Pocock has been listed as a candidate for Ireland, Midlands-North-West in the European Parliament.

He can only accept donations from people in Ireland or Irish citizens abroad.

Are any other notable developers running? How best to promote them all?

How will developers in the European Parliament be able to do something extra for open source?

Mr Pocock is not associated with Debian. He is neither a Debian Developer, nor a member of the Debian community.

An honest man does not become a politician.

Developers are ultimately authors. Joint authors or co-authors or whatever you want to call it. Authorship status can’t be snatched away from somebody after they did the work.

He explains it rather well in this blog

Every time they insult one person, there are probably 20 more people who stay away for fear of being insulted next.