Floorp as replacement for Firefox anyone?

Have been dabbing with latest version of Floorp 11.18.1 for Windows and it flies!

Find it so much better than present Firefox (even Vivaldi)!

Wish it would have an Android version… and be readily available for Linux (instead of .tar file).

The other day, finding Firefox slow on Android, switched uBlock Origin over to Adguard and what difference that made!

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Hi, Daniel

I have been using Floorp as my main browser for the past 6 months. I love it. It even has settings not found in Firefox. I use the workspaces as well since even though I have a widescreen on my desktop with Linux Mint, I have two windows open on it. It is nice to use the workspaces so I can see the open tabs without the crowding that would otherwise occur.



That’s good to hear @Sheila_Flanagan !

It’s hard to hear anything about it other than in Japanese (which i do not understand).

And 6 months sure is a good track record!

Do like (among other things) new Fluerial UI for tabs and choice of DNS.

Curious to know what distro you are using.

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You can also get Floorp from the Flathub store or as a PPA:

curl -fsSL https://ppa.ablaze.one/KEY.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/Floorp.gpg
sudo curl -sS --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Floorp.list 'https://ppa.ablaze.one/Floorp.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install floorp

History has always been neglected in Firefox.

Hope Floorp can eventually improve on that.

In the meantime, just discovered this extension inspired by Vivaldi’s:


Hi, Daniel

Since I use Floorp on all my computers I have Linux Mint, MX Linux, Garuda, Manjaro & Pop OS on a tablet.


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Interesting! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have tried many distros, but not on so many computers, all at the same time.
Did recently install Mint MATE on a DELL laptop, and it flies!
Person who had it, couldn’t be bothered to re-install Windows on it.
Go figure.

Up until now, have usually installed Firefox, Vivaldi and Brave.

So Floorp is one i want to keep for a while to investigate all its options.

Don’t think its notes option will be used.
Already having a hard time keeping up with SimpleNote and Omnivore.
Besides, afaik, Floorp has no sync option for it with Android.

-dual bootin’ with Mint and Win 11.


Yes, @danielson I agree. I also use Omnivore to save important articles. But I use Obsidian for all of my notenooks and do not need another note app to keep up with. :laughing:

As a business owner, I have one desktop for the business, although I do have the items on the laptop for traveling, but mostly use it for personal stuff. Then I have my Lenovo Yoga 6, which I also bought for the business as it is great in the field to do estimates and I can draw on the screen as I measure the buildings. It now has Garuda, but did have Pop OS before.

I got a wonderful mini pc to use as home server and for local storage, but sadly I have to take it to my mom this month so that she can have Linux Mint (as well as Manjaro as dual boot backup) on her TV in the living room. Since her surgery, she does not do well getting back to the office to use the computer I setup for her last year.

But I will keep looking for another steal like I got on the mini pc. Last Christmas, someone got it as a gift and wanted the money and sold it new in the box cheap!



Hi Sheila,
I wonder if your mother would be able to use an Android tablet?
My wife uses one … she can even use it in bed. It is light and portable and no cords except when charging. A 10 inch tablet is OK with my poor vision.
Just a thought


Hi @nevj

The issue with that is a) I don’t have one already; would have to purchase, and b) another Android device I would need to be able to remote into and update, add apps for her, fix issues, etc.

She has been using her tiny android phone to do text messages with a stylus I gave her and takes forever. She rarely checks email as it is not on her phone and that is one thing you cannot do remotely. Anything sensitive, like using her password manager (Bitwarden) or trying to login to an app for the first time, the remote app shows a black screen for privacy. So I have to get that done while I am there this month as it must be done in person.

She stays on the couch watching her TV most of the day and uses her walker to get around the house when she has to go to the kitchen or bedroom. She sleeps on the couch during the day (naps often) and only goes to her bedroom for a few hours at night. So I figured the best option is to connect the pc to the TV: it is 55" so no issues with vision, it is a backup plan for when she cannot get into her apps to watch her shows (she can use the browser to do the same thing) and since space around the tv is limited, I could not just move the office desktop that I setup last year to that area.

I intend to leave the desktop in the office (and can now upgrade both LM & Kubuntu while there) and use that to keep handling all of her bill payments, bank accts, etc. so I would not be interrupting her usage of the one connected to the TV. But obviously I still have to remote into it for updates, etc. So I have that setup with both Anydesk and NoMachine (since Manjaro would not use Anydesk). I decided on one rolling release and one long term.

I have grown weary of trying to get the dern Fire TV to consistently work for her as she does not understand the whole Android “Apps” thing. Suddenly an app she pays for will require a fresh “login” and she is lost as she cannot possibly login with 14-16 character passwords and no way to type on a keyboard, only that dern onscreen keyboard which is not laid out like a QWERTY so it takes her forever and she cannot seem to “show” password as she types, so she makes mistakes and is not logged in after all the effort. (I connected a bluetooth keyboard to it last year, but for some reason, Fire TV does not allow it for logging into apps; OSK has to be used)

Have seen many conversations on the web about why Amazon does not allow RDP to their TVs and Firesticks, just for this reason. It used to allow Anydesk and is still installable, but no longer allows access to the tv from outside the same network. So I cannot just get on there and “do it” for her. I am left with using the security camera I had installed to “view” the TV screen and guide her.

The mini pc is small & will mount “VESA” to the back of her tv and I will only have to show her how to switch between inputs: tv or pc. Hopefully she can do that. Once I have her phone fixed while there, I am installing a Launcher with child-proof capability: she constantly touches things without knowing and moves them off the screen, combines them with others, and then cannot find the icons for them. I remotely control her phone, but it is difficult to move items back weekly as her home screen gets messed up. Dragging from desktop to desktop is not easily done via remote control on Android.

I will get it resolved at the end of the month during my visit. If this fails, I may have no choice but to go to a large tablet, but just not sure about Android–would prefer something I can put Linux on so I can control it from here.



Kind of reminds me of an elderly, who, even if you set a puzzle piece in the right direction next to its slot, would still try it upside down.

Admire your devotion to your mom.

In crisis now, between Floorp and Midori.


Our tablets seem to update themselves without any intervention…
Different from the phone… it requires a reboot during update.
The onscreen keyboard may be a big hurdle

I can see how dreadfully complicated this is for you… I would like to help but I really cant think of much.
