Fossile Fuels Are Not The Only Cause Of Concern!

Did you know that 30 percent of the CO2 added to the atmosphere since the industrial revolution began, is due to soil degradation, not fossil fuels.
So changing to EV’s is not going to fix the CO2 issue.
We need to do other things like reform our land management

Land management is an easier reform than energy. There is no new technology challenge, we know how to prevent soil erosion, and the economics is favourable.
Why do we continue to allow damaging agricultural practices?


Does that also lead to coastal cliff erosion or just waves and wind ?

That is different to loss of organic matter from agricultural soils.
It is the the organic material in soils that stores the carbon. Under grassland or crops there is a very considerable amount of soil organic material. It tends to be lost from bare soils because it slowly degrades and is not replaced by leaf fall or dying plant parts. When organic matter degrages, it releases carbon as CO2. That is the problem.
Soil erosion ( movement of soIl) is another separate issue. They tend to go together…soils supporting lots of plants dont tend to erode and release far less CO2.


Our problem here is loss of beaches and sand due to construction of a barrier for the port changing tide flow., suggestions in place to restore but too costly and not sure if it just moves the problem.


A mission named ‘Save Soil’ was launched by Sadhguru and is still active and running. It is for the same cause.


From AI.
“As the planet warms, permafrost thaws and releases carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. This process is expected to contribute significantly to climate change”