FreeBSD as a guest VM in virt-manager

100% - it is VERY heavily tapped by some corporates.

  1. Juniper, perhaps 2nd enterprise network device vendor after Cisco - run BSD on ALL their devices.
  2. NetApp base their O/S on BSD
  3. And lest we forget - Apple MacOS (formerly “OS X”) runs essentially, BSD (mostly FreeBSD) stuff ontop of their proprietary kernel (I think it’s “MACH” based) - it’s called “Darwin” - they pulled all this in when Jobs brought NeXT into Apple - most “home users” running some Apple devices (ALL of them, iPod, AppleTV, iPhone, iPad and Macintosh) don’t even know they’re running a BSD (when you jailbreak an iPhone or iPad, you can SSH to it’s BSD base system and install the userland CLI tools).

And I’m sure there’s a lot more besides.

  1. I nearly forgot - how could I - I’m using it - iXSystems base their free, and corporate / enterprise grade storage platform (they do software, and hardware) on FreeBSD : TrueNAS (formerly FreeNAS).

So what is the main issue with home users?
You can get most of the same DE’s as Linux uses.
Is it filesystem incompatability?
Is it lack of community help?
Is it drivers… that is what pushed me from bsd to linux years ago?