Frustration with inconsistency

I LOATHE how many bewildering variations there are across distros - and - versions - for something as SIMPLE as IP address configuration…

e.g. on Raspbian Stretch (Debian 9) the LAN / ethernet address is set in :


On RHEL8 and earlier (including CentOS and Oracle) it’s :


In “some” Ubuntu 18 server (and later) instances it’s in a YAML file in /etc/netplan/ (but not on desktops!) - e.g. /etc/netplan/01-netconfig.yaml…

In systems running NetworkManager - it “might” be /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/$NAME.nmconnnection…

Hit this one on a new RHEL9 instance (Red Hat are moving everyone off “ifcfg” files in network-scripts folder - why? because they can?) I stood up in a VMware ESX environment on Thursday - NIC1 was /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ens164.nmconnection. I added a 2nd NIC (ens192 - i.e. ens192.nmconnection) and tried “ip link ens192 down” then “ip link ens192 up” - didn’t show any errors but “ip a” showed it still unconfigured… PITA! Had to delete that file, restart NetworkManager, then use nmtui to set up PITA! What’s WRONG WITH EDITING FILES FFS???

Anyway - I just switched back to my “old "NEW"” router (TP-Link) first thing this morning (6 am Saturday before anyone else woke up) and cutting everything back over back to my old TCP/IP LAN - my NAS was ready to go (I’ve set it up with IP addresses on BOTH VLANs) - my Orange Pi running Armbian (used nmtui here too) and my Pi3 running Stretch (/etc/dhcpcd.conf) - all good…

BUT - I can’t find WHERE the “F” Raspbian Bookworm stores its IP address settings! It’s in NONE of the places I know… “raspi-config” is only good for setting up WiFi…

DAMN! BookWorm (Raspbian) defaults to NetworkManager and shonky /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections shite… And I just tried to use nmtui to change it to the correct TCP/IP LAN address - and now it won’t respond - even after a power cycle.

Guess I gotta remove the f–king SD-Card and see if I can view the file on another computer by reading the SD-Card…

(I’m listening to new album by UK band “Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats” : “Nell’ ora blu” - and there’s lotsa Italian dialog - it’s supposed to be like a movie soundtrack from an early 1970’s Italian movie - maybe the dialog is from an actual movie)


Did you set perms 600 on the ,nmconnection file? AFAIK neteworkmanager requires it, so after edit, chmod 600 may be necessary.
And then restart networkmanager maybe…

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I’m a complete noob in these matters, but I changed the complete PC of my of the server and just put the SSD I had in the other one and plugged it in and it started without any problems except for the network card, because they have different names and, as you know better than me, you need to configure the network correctly.
I’m using Ubuntu server. I’ve done everything I know, what I don’t know, I have access to the network, but it’s badly configured and access to the network has been extremely slow, on the Ubuntu site itself, the way to configure it didn’t work, the configuration files are different, etc., etc.
Conclusion for a noob: I’m going to have to install an operating system again because I can’t configure the network correctly.
I’m saying the same Italian phrase as Daniel!



There are so many languages!
I had a Murphy’s book of laws.
A law there stated programners know the best the language of swearing :slight_smile:
I think, sysadmins do as well :))
If anyone interested, I can provide swearings in hungarian, it is told we have the most rich set of bad words (I don’t know really).

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Hi László,
now you’ve made me laugh, thank you!
You know, maybe one or two swearings in Hungarian might come in handy :grin:


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I thought Australians had a claim to that, or at least to the highest usage rate.


It had the exact same perms as the file for the other NIC…
I couldn’t be arsed trying to troubleshoot, so deleted it - restarted NetworkManager, then fired up “nmtui”…

Such a PITA - we’re moving further and further away from the KISS principle that’s for sure…

And just sorted my Pi4 running Ubuntu 22.04 - “headless” - /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml and rebooted (yeah - I coulda just run netplan apply - but would probably lose my remote connection anyway)…

So many variations and convoluted processes and methodologies…

I’d like to know what problem abandoning /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files for something else solved? i.e. “NetworkManager”…

Red Hat have been using that for ~15 years - it worked… Why change it? Why can’t I just create an *.nmconnection file and why won’t it read that - even after restarting NetworkManager - it DOESN’T READ THE FILE!

I think not reading new *.nmconnection files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections is something to do with dbus… Really? Just another thing to break and complicate troubleshooting?


I struggled with a very similar problem. Needed a VPN connection and I have placed the file there. Still did not work, it was not present in NetworkManager.
Then I read somewhere, the file has to be owned by root and have 600 perms to be accepted by Networkmanager.
I changed it, and bingo! It was there…

I agree with you: I miss /etc/network/interfaces.

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Now my Pi Zero 2W - running bookworm (armhf / 32 bit) won’t connect to my “new” WiFi…

Yet again - ANOTHER F–KING variation where shit is stored!

I had 3 potential WiFi Access Points (and secret in a “hash”) in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf…

Would only connect to the old one…

So - I backed up the file - made sure the ONLY WiFi AP (access point) listed was the one I wanted…

ip link set wlan0 down
ip link set wlan0 up

And SOMEHOW the F–king thing still finds the old setting and gets an IP address on the WRONG IP network (i.e. the WiFi I don’t want).


Everyone just assumes f–king “nmcli” is installed - but - it’s NOT - as NetworkManager’s not installed - and - because it’s not online to the internet - I can’t even install the pezzo di merda…

My only connection to this Pi Zero 2W is via USB ethernet (it’s setup as a USB gadget).

It’s been working fine without NetworkManager, why install it?

Anyway - after rebooting it - it’s connected to the correct WiFi (the ONLY WiFi entry in wpa_supplicant.conf…

What a shonky dog’s breakfast the splintering of Linux distros is… I guess it’s fine for most desktop users - with tools to configure ethernet and WiFi in the GUI… it’s the backend variation that gets my goat and grinds my gears…

I guess what I probably needed to do, was stop/restart wpa_supplicunt…



A dubious glory :slight_smile:

Long ago I saw a szekler men in a video swearing for over a minute without repeating a single word. Now I cannot find this video.

While treid to lookup the video I remembered from long ago, I found this girl:

After a short lead-in, the demonstartion of swearing starts at 0:15, ends at 0:35, but it was sped up quite a bit :slight_smile:

Another -quite gentle- one from an old military series.

But! A fun fact:

According to historical records, we may(?) have the longest swearing, written in a letter in 1663, the reason for writing that letter was political disloyalty.

(Should I paste that ancient text here? I’m not sure, it’s quite long, but hey, you have a page-down anyway :smiley: )

I tried to translate some parts pf it, but my english knowledge is definitely not up to the task. So I took it to Deepl, but I doubt it’s completely OK. I notice minor repetitions in the english text which are not there in the original, of course that may be a shortfall of Deepl…
Seems DeepL tries to give the oldish feeling, still am not sure it gives the original highly cursing feel. But I can’t give a better example, so let it be here:

Original Tranlsated via DeepL
Adassék az néhai vitézlő Tatai Szabó Lyukács fiának, az nem nemes, nem vitézlő, sánta, béna Szabó Gyurkának, vénségére megbolondúlt, kerítő, vissza aggott, bestye lélek kurafinak. Let it be given to the son of the late valiant Tatai Szabó Lyukács, the not noble, not valiant, lame, crippled Szabó Gyurka, the old, mad, beggar, backward, besteyed, soul-sucking whore.
Szolgálatomnak tetűled való megtagadása után Istennek semminémű áldása ne szálljon reád, te Istentűl elszakatkozott, menny-országhoz háttal fordúlt, parázna, disznó életű, tisztátalan, vissza aggott, ebre ütött, kurva feleségű, huntzfut, bestye lélek kurafi! Soha nem hittem vólna, hitetlen, vén agg eb, hogy vénségedre nemzetedet; az magyar szakált; régi, jámbor, kegyelmes uradot, Zitsi István urat ű nagyságát; annak felette kegyelmes urunkat, királyunkat így meggyalázod. Ily szép hírt hallunk felőled, áruló, parázna, orgazda, részeges, nem jámbor, akasztani való kurafia! After my denial of my service to thee, let not the blessing of God come upon thee, thou forsaken, heaven-turned, fornicating, swine-living, unclean, backsliding, dog-whipped, whore-wife, huntzfut, besty soul, whore! I would never have believed it, infidel, old, old, old dog, that by your old age you would so dishonour your nation, the Hungarian nation, your old, pious, merciful lord, the greatness of your lord Istvan Zitsi, and our merciful lord, our king. Such good news we hear of you, treacherous, fornicating, fornicating, drunken, unpious, hanging whore!
Nem elég vólt-e e koráig mind az bolondság, mind az latorság, disznószaron hízott bestye lélek, tsík nyelésben gyönyörködő, otsmány kurafi; mind az Posonyi hóhér tavában fogták pedig azokat a tsíkokat, a mint hallom, a mellyekkel te istentelen torkodat pallérozod; azt pedig tsak azért tselekszed, hogy az bornak tágabb futamodója lehessen telhetetlen torkodon alá; hév ónat, kénkövet, szurkot a torkodnak, kurva feleségű lélek, nem jó bort, te borban válogató, kenyér vesztegelő, éhhel hólt, tányér nyalogató kurafi; mondok, nem elég vólte’, hogy Ibráim Omer bég hetven hétszer megtzifrázta Gömör vármegyét, taknyos proscriptájú, nem emberséges ember asztalához való, mogorva, fertelmes disznó! Hogy nem tudtak vólt még kis korodban a’ disznók el szaggatni; avagy döglöttél volna meg a’ Budai kalafában a’ páltza alatt; avagy ölted vólna bé magadat a’ Dunába, a mint elkezdted vólt, kétségbe esett kurafi, hogy sem mint ilyen gyalázatban forogjon a’ Magyar név, te kurva feleségű, nem jámbor lélek! A minémű vagy magad, olyan rossz a’ feleséged, láda motskoló, kurva nemzetségű. Hólt nevét költötted Ibráimnak; de él még az bég, feleséged szolgálatjára! Was not both folly and sloth enough for this age, a bestial soul fattened on swine’s stool, a swine’s swallowing, a filthy whore; and in the pond of the executioner of Posony were all the swine caught, as I hear thou hast used to plank thy unholy throat; and that thou dost do, that there may be a wider channel of wine under thy insatiable throat; I say, is it not enough that my lord Omer the Hebrew has ravaged the county of Gomorrah seventy-seven times, you snotty proscriptur, you unfit for the table of a man, you sulphurous, unhuman, sullen, unholy swine! How couldst thou not have been torn to pieces by the pigs when thou wast young, or died under the bale in the Buda fish-house, or drowned thyself in the Danube, as thou hast begun, thou desperate whore, that the name of Hungary should not have been so disgraced, thou whore-wife, thou unpious soul! As thou art thyself, so bad is thy wife, thou whoremonger, of the whore’s race. Thou hast given thy name to my Hebrews, but the king is alive to thy wife’s service.
Úgy hallom, tolvaj kurafi, hogy valamennyi lopó, kémlő vagyon az városban, Posonban, mind hozzád tartanak szállásra; nálad az quártélyok, s ezt kellett a’ nemes kamarának el szenvedni, vissza aggott, kutyátúl fajzott, Török menyasszony, puskaporra való, disznó, istentelen, mordály, tobzódó kurafi! Az apádat is meg akartad tizen egyszer ölni; nem győzted várni, hogy magátúl meghaljon, te maszlagos hóhér! A melly kopott szoknyát az édes anyádon temettél is, annak is duplán megvetted az apádon az árát, istentelen zsidó kurafi! A’ más héten felmegyek urammal ű nagyságával Bétsbe; Supplicatiót adok bé ű felségének: ezen szerént eleibe adom ű felségének, s megkérem a tisztedet, Farizéus vissza aggott lélek, ’s eb rúdon vettetlek ki az kamarából! Janitorságot? egy sereg disznóm volna, azt sem merném reád bízni, tsap alja, Filistéus szerzet! Két száz lépésnyire kiérzik a bor s az égett bor szaga az eb szájadbúl; hiszen te sem Istennek, sem embernek nem kellesz immár, dsidázott, dárdázott, béna kurafi; hiszen jól tudom, hogy tsak Isten nevében tartott ekkoráig is az urad; mert a’ te bolondságodért, kurva az anyád, ha adnék immár egy sült répát! I hear, you thieving whore, that all the thieving, spying riches in the city of Poson are all coming to you for lodging; you have the quartets, and this is what the noble chamber has had to suffer, you backward, overgrown, dog-ridden, Turkish bride, gunpowder, swine, godless, mordal, raving whore! Thou didst mean to kill thy father a dozen times; thou couldst not wait till he died, thou blasted executioner! Thou didst bury thy mother’s worn skirt, and buy thy father’s double, thou wicked Jew whore! The next week I will go up with my lord and your majesty to Beths; I will give your majesty a supplication: this I will present to your majesty, and I will ask your honour, Pharisee, return to me, you old soul, and I will have you taken out of the chamber on a rod! I’ll have thee, and I’ll have thee in my presence. If I had an army of swine, I would not dare trust thee with it, thou uncle Philistine! The smell of wine and of burnt wine is two hundred paces from thy lips; for neither God nor man wants thee now, thou cursed, darting, lame whore; for I know well that it is only in the name of God that thy lord hath kept thee so long; for for thy folly, mother of whores, if I would give thee a roast carrot now!
Legnagyobb mesterséged, tudományod az hurka és fasz nyelés; azt is valami rossz, frantzúzos, trombitás inastól tanúltad, úgy hallom; elmehetsz oskola mestereddel, Katus asszony, síró, lúd mérgű, bestia, szégyen, kerítő, áruló, büszke, tzifra rongy; egy paputsért a’ feleségedet is elkímletted, Júdás szabású martolótz; kanállal fejtett szakállú, hegyes koporsóba [karóra] való, gyalázatos, vén agg eb; Istentűl elfutamodott, tűzre való, fátul szakadt, Pilátus kurafi! Keresztet magadra nem tudsz vetni; a’ mi atyánkot félignél tovább el nem tudod mondani, te szégyent vallott boszorkány! Tsudálom, hogy közép télben is meg nem üt a’ mennykű számtalan sok istentelenségedért, te pogány ördöngös! Isten úgy segéljen, Hajnátskő váráért, mikor megárad az Ipoly vize, egy tsolnokban veled nem ülnék, átkozott órában termett, minden jótúl üres, pogánynál is pogányabb kurafi! Thy greatest craft, thy greatest art, thy greatest science, is to swallow cock and cock; that, too, I hear, thou hast learned from some bad, frantic, trumpet-servant; thou mayst go with thy master to the school, Mrs. Katus, weeping, goose-angry, beastly, shameful, panderer, traitor, proud, tzifra rag; Thou hast spared thy wife for a papucha, Judas-style martyr; spoon-bearded, pointed coffin, shameful, old old, old dog; God-fled, fire-fled, wood-ripped, Pilate’s whore! Thou canst not put a cross on thyself; thou canst not denounce our father more than half a man, thou shamed witch! I pity thee, that thou, in midwinter, for thy innumerable impieties, thou heathen fiend, may not be smitten by heaven! God help you, for the sake of the castle of Twilight, when the waters of the Ipoly flood, I would not sit in the same charnel with you, you heathen whore, grown in the cursed hour, empty of all good, more heathen than heathen!
Ezek után Isten téged meg ne mentsen, hanem akasztófán száradj meg; fejednek koponyájában varjak és verebek szarjanak; tsontaidat az ebek széjjel hordozzák; ha pedig az hegyes koporsót inkább szereted, abban is, megengedem, teljék kedved. After these things God save thee not, but thou shalt be hanged on the gallows; in the skull of thy head shall crows and sparrows shit; thy bones shall be carried to pieces by dogs; and if thou prefer the pointed coffin, therein, I pray thee, shalt thou be filled.

Decided to write up my “findings” here in markdown :

Network Config variations :

Ubuntu server :

Headless server :

Ubuntu Desktop :

(and later version of Debian running NetworkManager - e.g. Bookworm on Pi5) :
Desktop machine (but also headless Raspbian Bookworm):
(not always reads new files created here - best create/activate using nmtui - or native GUI utility if desktop machine)

Red Hat 8 and earlier :


Red Hat 9 and later :

uses NetworkManager
(doesn’t always read new files plonked there - best to generate/activate with nmtui or nmcli - even for ethernet)

Raspbian Stretch (9)

( e.g. telesto running tvheadend)
/etc/dhcpcd.conf :

interface eth0
static ip_address=10.x.x.XX/24
static routers=10.x.x.XX
static domain_name_servers=10.x.x.XX

Raspbian Bullseye (11)

Hodgepodge Dog’s Breakfast (albiorix and anthe):

Could be /etc/network/interfaces or interfaces.d/
Pi Zero 2W :
albiorix usb gadget :

x@albiorix:/etc/network $ cat interfaces
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:  
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
allow-hotplug usb0
iface usb0 inet static
        address 10.x.x.x
        network 10.x.x.0
        broadcast 10.x.x.255
        # gateway 10.x.x.x

WIFI is in fecking wpa_supplicant :

Pi Zero 2W :
anthe “beeper chassis” :
WIFI is in fecking wpa_supplicant :


That is great.
Most of tbese longer discussions need a summary.
Your title says it all … inconsistency


I should mention here - RHEL8 section probably applies equally to CentOS, Oracle Linux and older versions of Fedora (maybe prior to Fedora 15 or something)…

It seems that Ubuntu are “going it alone” with netplan - nobody else is using it. I actually find it rather elegant and it’s a shame it’s not more widespread. But Canonical do this often, anyone remember Ubuntu Touch, Unity and MIR? Oh and Ubuntu One… I actually liked Unity, but there was a pain point when they implemented it, only to be followed about 5 years later when they dropped it like a steaming bag of poop…

Do any of the other distros that are Ubuntu based use Netplan? I guess they’re all desktop distros and probably just have “renderer: NetworkManager” in any /etc/netplan/*.yaml files if they exist (my Pop!_OS systems have empty /etc/netplan/ folder)…


I have encountered some distros that use Connman rather than NetworkManager. One is Antix. I will check tomorrow what else.