Garuda does it have a live version?

The problem here is simply the wrong use of typography:

In English, the apostrophe is used to show the omission of letters, e.g. in contractions:


In programming languages, it is often an alternative way of quoting strings:

str1 = 'a'
str2 = "b"

ln some languages, both quoting mechanism can be semantically different.

However, instead of an apostrophe, @C.J consequently uses the grave accent `:


like here in “caffè” (“coffee” in Italian).
The problem with that is that this editor and others which also use the “markdown” notation for adding rich-text features, interpret text enclosed in graves (also called “backticks” or “backquotes”) as code and display it in typewriter letters without the signs themselves. The use of them, obviously screws the text up.

In computing, they are heavily used, say in the database query language SQL, they mark names of tables or columns and must not be confused with quotes. The results might be entirely different sets.

Same in programming languages: backticks often mean that the expression enclosed in them is to be executed as a command:

$a = 'ls'; # $a now contains the string "ls"
$a = `ls`; # $a now contains the content of the current working directory

However, in written natural language, correct punctuation does matter, too:

It drives me completely nuts, if somebody writes semantic bullshit by setting wrong or omitting apostrophes:

you are crazy = you’re nuts ≠ your nuts = the peanuts or cashews belonging to you

or: “The human thinks, God leads.” is not the same as “The human thinks: God leads.”

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