I hope you have not generated these questions using chatGPT or some other AI tools.
Still, I’ll answer for other members who might have an interest.
" * Who are It’s FOSS moderators?"
You can see the moderators in the community. Some are It’s FOSS team members and some are forum members.
- How can I become It’s FOSS moderator?
If you are an active member of the community for a significant amount of time and we need a helping hand, then.
" * How does moderation work?
- What can and cannot be moderated?
- Is there a code of conduct that It’s FOSS adopts?"
Basic common etiquette. No spamming, no off topic, no abuses and demeaning fellow members etc.
" * How can I contribute to the It’s FOSS community?"
Stay active in the forum. Help people when you can. Create threads for something you achieved or discovered in Linux. Create docs for regular things that other Linux users should also know.
- How does the It’s FOSS website work? (What are the technologies? for example, some always recommend things like Ubuntu or Debian for servers, but I never saw the real reason to use Ubuntu or Debian) Is there any other interesting Linux distribution for servers?
Ubuntu is widely used, specially by the beginners and hence a lot of stuff is around Ubuntu. But we have tutorials on other distros as well.
" * Who created It’s FOSS?"
That would be me 
" * Why is creating a community in Linux important?"
What is Linux or any other open source project without community?
" * What does it take to write articles on It’s FOSS?"
Not a lot but you need to have knowledge about the topic you are writing on and you should have some technical writing experience. It should be written in a concise manner for the readers. And the topic should be approved by us beforehand. We don’t allow any kinds of linkbuilding, low-level spammy content.
" * What license is adopted when creating articles on It’s FOSS?"
CC BY SA 4.0
" * Have you all thought about creating tutorials here on the forum for linux, something like “how to”? something like the “how-to” section of Manjaro community?"
That’s on the cards.
" * What advice would you all give to anyone wanting to create a community as interesting as It’s FOSS?"
Keep it welcoming to new members even if they ask evidently simple questions.
" * What are the biggest difficulties you perceive when adopting Linux in companies or using Linux as a home user?"
People don’t like to go out of their comfort zone.
" * Is it still worth creating your own Linux distribution today?"
For your own learning, yes. For others, probably no.