Get Rid Of Grub

I had my Ubuntu on my 2T hard disk, but had to remove it to do a huge project I’m working on.

After removing the 1 partition and the directories I’m left with Grub. which I’ve discovered is a “universal multi-boot” software. Now when I turn the PC on, I have to wait for Grub to appear and then type in Exit and press Enter.

How can I get rid of Grub so that only windows 10 starts to boot right off the bat and where do I find it in what directory in windows?



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Change the boot order in the UEFI menu and move Windows Boot Manager to the top of the list, i.e. to the device position which is booted as the very first.

(Changing the boot order is almost the same on every PC, so it does not matter, if your menu looks different.)


Thanks, I give it a try.


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