How to enable read-write permissions on a USB flash drive

There is no hardware switch, here’s a link to it if interested:

It works perfectly with the installed multibootusb software installed. I can add as many new Live OS instances as I desire and remove them as well but always through the application.

Then try to find an option within this software, that releases the device from its dependency upon using this tool.

I’ve tried that without success. I emailed the author a week ago w/o a response as well.

Go to this applications user forum and ask for help. And/or post an issue on their VCS, if possible. Hopefully they are using GitHub.

I already have an issue posted there several days ago. The only response I received is this “format the drive to whatever filesystem you need to reuse it” LOL,

Post the link(s) related to your issue.

Have the same problem with a 64 Gb microSD card. Search and tried everything before, and again hoped by reading this post, but I think the card is for the trash bin.

Regarding multibootusb?

I don’t know for sure, but have used multibootusb on that device before.

Did this occur right when you stopped using this program?

If you run this command for your does SDcard does it report back as ISO9660?
sudo cat /proc/mounts | grep “device”

from the Sandisk forum:

This is an offical answer if you contact customer service:

“I understand that you are getting write protection error while accessing your Cruzer flash drive. The flash drive has detected a potential fault and has become write protected to prevent data loss. There is no method to fix this. You will need to backup your data and replace the flash drive. Our team of developers is in combination with the OS developers looking into a solution to resolve this issue. Please note that only a minor percentage of users are experiencing the write protection issue and these are the customers posting on the internet to find a solution.”

So likely there is no way to solve it.