I finally did it!

“A cloth is not woven from a single thread.”


Education levels get complex when you look at different countries especially if you move or the system changes.

For a period in the uk we had middle schools from 10 to 13 but i missed that too old.

Compare france to the uk

Post 11 education
Uk secondary or grammer schools
France college

Post 16
Uk technical college or a levels
France lycee

And qualifications take another step
France bac as in bacaloria plus a number so 1 is 1 year, bac plus 3 is 3 years
Uk hnc or hnd then into degree and masters etc

But if you look at exam bodies they get worse… some no longer exist
City and guilds

There was a movement to standardist and have equivalent levels through
National vocasional qualifications nvq

But getting a equivalent when you move not always accepted especially from the uk after brexit … so my degrees (yes i have more than one) does not count in france when i tried for french nationality.


Congratulations! Saratoga, just north of my hometown, Waterford!

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Wellp, they accepted me into the Masters program. Starting this September.

here we go again!


Well done

Hope it all works out for you

But dont forget about us so keep dropping by the site to leand a helping hand to others in the community, you just dont know when your skills a d knowledge may be called upon and it keeps your hand in


All the best for it!!!

That in itself is an achievement.
Not sveryone gets to do postgrad work .
Make the most of it and congratulations