There is a difference between learning and production programming.
I think learning needs a simple environment, but if you are an experienced programmer working on a large development job, yes it helps to use more complex tools.
For example, version control ( eg git, cvs, etc) is vital for a large programming effort, but is useless for learning a language.
The Julia language has its own builtin IDE. In my opinion it makes Julia very difficult for beginners. I battle with it.
That’s the thing, isn’t it? I don’t have a real use for it. Anything that’s real I end up using Python. There are tons of libraries available for most any use that comes up.
Basically what @pdecker wrote - VS Code - direct from Microsoft…
It will probably do syntax highlighting (I’m sure “vi / vim” would too! Maybe any modern decent text editor will - does nano do syntax highlighting?).
I’ve no idea how you submit your C/C++ code in your IDE to your compiler though - last time I used an IDE was Borland Turbo Pascal - and you could test your code from the IDE…
Or you could always grab the OSS version of VS Code “vscodium” which is also available more widely than “VS Code” (e.g. they have armhf and arm64 binaries for e.g. Raspberry Pi).
If was going to do any development these days e.g. GoLang, Python, or something - I’d probably just use vi / vim…
I vaguely recall using “vi” to edit C source and make files many years ago - i.e. not my own code, but some OSS C I’d grabbed from somewhere and needed to compile… Just as easy to save your file in “vi / vim” - then make from the source…
Well, I’m looking for an IDE to make things less cumbersome to me.
Currently I’m using the nano text editor (which sucks) + cli to get stuff done, but I do love my buttons.
Any IDE suggestions? At Learn C++ they recommend code::blocks, but when I look at the reviews it appears to crash at random sometimes (not something I want my IDE to do). VS Code is out of the question for me, as to get that a functional enough as and IDE will turn it into a memory consuming monster. Is GNOME’s Builder good enough for C++, or do I need to look at something else?
EDIT: No, GNOME builder is ugly, demanding, and incomplete… perhaps I’m not an IDE guy at all.
Hi Manuel,
In my opinion, you should choose the IDE you feel best at programming with.
VSCodium (is Microsoft’s VSCode without telemetry) is an IDE you should test.
Another IDE that should be tested is Neovim, which is much more difficult to learn, but you could start with the Kickstart.nvim installation, to understand how to configure Neovim with plugins and later install LazyVim.
Please note that working with Neivim is not easy for those who have never worked with vi/vim before.
Python, Julia, and R programmers seem to use jupyter
There are apparently some additions which make it work for C++
I have no idea what jupyter notebook is like as an editor
You can make emacs editor behave like an IDE, and also neovim as @Tech_JA has already pointed out.
I personally would use makefiles and vi, and maybe gdb.
There is a thing called “tiny-vim”. If you set that in update-alternatives you get vi without highlighting.
I think Debian installs may default to that
Seconded. I’m currently learning C++ under Debian, I use (and love) Vim. Once you’ve learned it, it’s quick and easy. Learn to use the MAKE system and recompiling is a breeze.