Impending outlook changes

I doubt it!!!

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You may gave to use gpg to get OAuth2


Found this on DCT, you might give it a read!!!

It is an article written by Terry Hollet.


It seems strange to have to delete your account and setup a new one, just to alter the authentication method

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Hi all, :wave:

thanks to @Daniel_Phillips and @nevj for your comments and help.

I think the same. It would be the first time thunderbird behaved differently in Linux.

Thanks a lot, Daniel :heart:

I read the article the link to which you kindly provided.

Seems the author finally succeeded in using the method of deleting the existing Hotmail account and then re-creating it.
It needed some tweaking though.

I may well be forced to follow this path as well. Everything else has failed so far.

Thanks so much for your help, Daniel.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Daniel_Phillips and @nevj , :wave:

I tried it and it worked. :+1:

Thanks, Daniel. :heart:

I followed Terry Hollet´s tutorial and I was successful.

  • I saved my old outlook e-mails in a dedicated local folder.
  • Deleted the old account in thunderbird
  • created it anew
  • by following the steps provided in the article the account now uses OAuth2

That´s settled then.
Thunderbird is capable of dealing with outlook´s OAuth2 authentication method after all. :wink:

Now there´s just the issue of arriving at the same result using a lightweight e-mail client (like mutt).
Unfortunately sylpheed won´t handle OAuth2.
I´ll have to investigate further.

Thanks a lot and many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Rosika ,
There have been securuty flaws in OAuth2

Yes, but why cant you change an existing Thunderbird account to OAuth2?

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Because hotmail does not exist anymore!!!


Hotmail does exist, you can create a new hotmail account today if you wish.
Login is via outlook.
Hotmail was merged to outlook around 10 years ago.

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Yes I know!!! That does not solve the Thunderbird OAuth2 issue!!!
No one should login to hotmail via outlook.


Sorry, I meant login via


Can i ask Daniel why ?

You should not use one system to log into mail on another, they are all microsoft tools for mail ?

Sometimes i use thunderbird (not that often) otherwise i go to any microsoft site and use my registered account on hotmail from 2000 and no issues …

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Things are going slightly off topic here. is a Microsoft website where anyone with an outlook or hotmail account can login and use it.

The Outlook app/prog is an email client like Thunderbird.
That is a prog amongst others that many folk use for multiple email accounts.
People are easily confused as I was.

Back on topic, I hope the silly Thunderbird OAuth2 issue goes down the pan.

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Sure you can and the answer is simple!!!
Just because you can still login to Hotmail does not make Hotmail the preferred email client for MS, that has fallen to Hotmail, is older than I, and when MS dropped support for W7, support ended for Hotmail, just like Windows Live, when support ended for W8.
I am not saying, you cannot use Hotmail, but security wise, it is time to put that dead dinosaur to rest!!! The same advice, is for myself, because I still. boot XP and Linux on one of my old eMachine computers.

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when MS dropped support for W7, support ended for Hotmail

Hotmail is not an email client.

What email provider do you use?

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I use orange mail client.

But have kept my hotmail address out of being lazy and not updating some of my contacts to new address. Mainly out of historical reasons.

Hope microsoft dont decide to close the hotmail box.

I think i have too many addresses that i have used over the years and never closed, just get odd mail through them. Good way of catching spam giving old addresses as no longer interested.

There are still too many versions of outlook client and not clear gor end user or technicians trying to support.

I don’t use an email client for hotmail.
Just use a browser.
With you saying orange, I guess that is your ISP?

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Hi all, :wave:

thanks a lot for so many contributions to our discussion. :heart:

@nevj :

Oh dear. That doesn´t sound good.
But thanks for the link, Neville. I´ll have a good look at it.

But as I received an e-mail by the Micro$oft people warning me that as of September some action has to be taken on my part, there´s nothing else I could do, I´m afraid.
I had to switch to OAuth2. :thinking:

If you´re interested you can read the English language version of the e-mail here.

It´s in the article @Daniel_Phillips kindly referred to. It´s pretty much on top of the page.

Thanks to all the other people for the discussion.
It´s highly appreciated.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


When stating yesterday that

I might add it didn´t work right from the beginning.
I had to try 3 or 4 times to finally get it to work.
I was encountering a yellow information box informing me that something (cannot remember anymore what it was) was amiss. In the end the process went through successfully.


I know that, but it is still a security issue when you login to hotmail!!!
I use Thunderbird as my as my email client running on W11. Thunderbird retrieves mail from my gmail and my outlook accounts or I sometimes just login and view my emails online.

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