Install and Use Nix Package Manager on non-Nix OS like Ubuntu: questions

@sudoersagar has a you beaut article with the above title in the latest newsletter.

I am putting this topic here because I do not seem to be able to make a comment on the article page

Can we address the following questions

  1. What would happen if I were to use Nix and another native package manager simultaneously? Would there not be clashes of where things go in the filesystem?

  2. Do you think Nix package manager would operate in BSD?

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I’m glad you’re interested in Nix.

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. You can use Nix along with the other package managers, as Nix will install packages in isolation, so it won’t trouble you at all. Even you can install different versions of the same package, and it won’t harm you at all!

  2. There’s no official support for BSD, but the port has already been committed to the FreeBSD ports collection and the binary package can be installed with pkg install nix.
    Ref: GitHub - 0mp/freebsd-ports-nix: Nix package manager port for the FreeBSD Ports Collection

Thank you Sagar. I shall be trying it on BSD. Will keep you informed.

That port has no maintainer.
Not critical, but worrying.