Installed Apps not showing in menu app list, Debian Buster

Specifications Sony VAIO SVE151D11L

→ Output of inxi -Fxz here!

→ Output of dmesg_*.log here!
→ Output of dmesg-err_*.log here!

First, install dependencies:

→ apt update
→ apt install -y dnsutils traceroute hping3 netcat tcpdump

→ ip a
→ ip route
→ traceroute
→ nslookup

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • Software title | CHIRP
  • Software version |
  • Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated? I did purge and reinstall the software to try to fix the issue

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install CHIRP radio programming software successfully
  2. Navigate to app list in menu
  3. CHIRP does not show in app list
  4. Run apt search CHIRP returns (installed)
  5. Run “CHIRP” command in terminal returns :bash :chirp :command not found

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

Extra details

Sorry I dont know why those images didnt show earlier

Hello and welcome to It’s FOSS forum.

And thank you for providing all the detailed information. You are one of the rare few members who followed the instructions properly. Kudos for that :clap:

Now coming to your problem, installed applications usually have a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications directory. This is from where the applications are added in the menu.

Could you please check if Chirp has the desktop file present in this folder?

Please use this command:

find /usr/share/applications -type f -name “chirp*”

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Instead of using an old version from the Debian stable channels, I would recommend using the newest stable version denoted by the publisher:

This way you also can install the software and be sure how to run the program.

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