Is Easter like a reboot?

Most people today embrace the Easter Holiday period, even if they do not care for the
theological implications. In Australia today, the Easter period is commonly regarded as an opportunity to “have a break”. That is actually quite close to the deeper meaning of Easter. … a fresh start


Lets explore what the Easter/reboot analogy might mean

  1. At a world level, the first Easter did change things. It took a few years for the Christain view to embed itself and take over the Roman Empire, but when that happened the world was on a totally different cultural and philosophical footing.
    So it is fair to call that a world reboot.

Read G K Chesterton " The Everlasting Man"

  1. At an individual level.
    Every Easter is an opportunity for individuals to do a reset. That is why so many
    attend Church services at Easter, if at no other time. None of us are very good at
    resets… that is why we keep coming back for more opportunities.
    So it is fair to say Easter is to an individual an opportunity for a reboot.


  1. A computer reboot is quite similar to what happens when individuals reset.
    It is not like the giant philosophical change of a world reboot. It starts one piece of computer software from a clean slate.
    So, it is fair to say, software is like people in this respect… it is occasionally in need of a fresh start. We program our people with regular prescribed holidays. Maybe our computer software should have occasional fresh starts?

Happy Easter everyone.



That’s an interesting take. Thanks for sharing that.

And happy easter :slight_smile:


Hi all and hi @nevj :

thank you very much for the philosophical reflections on what Easter means on various levels. :heart:

Yours are very wise words indeed and I agree with that.

I wish you, Neville and everyone on this forum (whether they celbrate Easter or not) a very nice and relaxed time.

All the best from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


see here:

The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton

Read now or download (free!)


Hi Rosika,
Thank you for finding my book.
It is an interesting account of what the philosophy and culture and religion and science of the Ancient World was like, and how Christianity changed things.
It is semi-religious, but non-denominational
Chesterton was a very prolific author… he wrote more than 20 books, over 5000 articles, several poems. He is the author of the well known “Father Brown” detective stories.


Hi Neville, :wave:

you´re welcome.

Thank you for the additonal information on Chesterton.
He seems to be an impressive author.

I didn´t know that. Shame on me. :blush:

Cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok simple question regarding easter

We celebrate by eating chocolate, that i am Happy about. Releases endorphins into the system so good for you. In france girls talk about men with a six pack (great abs) as a bar of chocolate, so i try hard, no gym just chocolates.

But i digress …

We have easter eggs, (not sure if thats international?)
In france we have chocolate bells as the main form of easter, so is that to wake up the bunnies to lay there eggs.?

Very serious …

Happy easter.

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I did not know that. But have read some of his books and know him as a distinguished author of both fiction and non-fiction.

Thanks & Have A Blessed Easter!


We have chocolate Bilbies in Australia. It is an environmental push, rabbits are a pest here.

Yes eggs are international. In the Orthodox church they have
painted real eggs.
Not sure where it came from… eggs are a symbol of new birth.


Bilbies, never heard or seen one not even in our zoo’s

Thanks for sharing i learned something new today.

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You have probably experienced this.
Chesterton was famous for producing a particular type of ‘one-liner’ called an aphorism… a bit like a proverb but with a
clever turn of meaning that conveys more than the mere words.


“Men can believe anything, even the truth.”

" But, as far as I can make out, ‘efficiency’ means that we ought to discover everything about a machine except what it is for"

“It is very hard for a man to defend anything, of which he is entirely convinced”

“The Electron, as now expounded, is much more of a mystery than the Trinity”

“Ideas are dangerous, but the man to whom they are most dangerous is the man of no ideas”

These sentences pop up at random places thruout all of
Chesterton’s writings, mostly in the non-fiction. They jump out at you , its like being jabbed with a needle. I know of no other author who writes like that.


Yes! His “proverbs” are highlighted in my books and I have even used them, at times, as part of my “signature” in emails.

And he is among my few examples pointed out to my kids (whom I homeschooled), that going to college does not make you “smarter” and not going to college does not mean you can not be “prolific” in your future endeavors.



You are brave. I think the responsibility would destroy me.

I entered into it with much “fear & trepidation” but found such joy along the journey and I re-learned the things that, as a child, I ignored for lack of interest or relevance. They graduated high school and, except for the youngest who is still finding her “place,” they went on to take their roles in the workforce and society as responsible adults. The main theme I emphasized was “learning is not ‘school’–it is a lifelong journey, found in the ‘everyday’: never stop learning.”



Absolutely correct there
well done.
They used to say at Uni… you dont learn facts, you learn how to find out things for yourself.
Not sure how that applies at younger ages, but it is the way to go for adults.
it works very well in the computer scene.
I remember one of my computer technicians who was amazingly good at that. I could drop a copy of a manual on her desk and say something like “learn how to setup databases” and she would just digest the whole thing without
me needing to teach anything.
Other people would flounder and need to be led. Research ability is a valuable skil… not sure how you teach it but the Uni thought it was teaching it.


Exactly. Instilling a love of learning, no matter the subject, was my mantra. And even though I am now “old” the learning continues. It is what started me on my Linux journey. I discovered something previously “unknown” and set about ‘digesting’ it. And it has many tributaries along the way :grinning:


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Depends on if you run Linux and you’re one of those uptime junkies. lol

I never understood why people were proud of like 2 years of uptime on a box. That just means you’re not doing any maintenance, and good luck if you ever have to reboot it, because it probably won’t come back up. lol


Fortunately, people can be rebooted, even after a lifetime
of continuous running.


A truly magnificent description of the Linux experience.
A whole new world to discover.


I got into Linux because I got the internet, found IRC, and shockingly, the friends I made on there were geeks. And then there was that Zenith server I posted about that really sealed the deal.

Oh and I thought the protocol for UNIX downloading off a BBS was funny … it was called Kermit.

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