It's FOSS forum login problems

Hi all, :wave:

I´ve been experiencing difficulties when trying to log into our forum. :slightly_frowning_face:

On I click on “Log in”, as I usually do.
Then I´m redirected to .

When entering my e-mail address I get the message “Failed to log in, please try again”.

Tried it with firefox and google-chrome.

I´ve been trying to login for more than 2 hours and it´s just now that I finally succeeded.

Have you encountered those difficulties as well?
Does anyone know what was going on :question:

Thanks and many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Rosika,
I have noticed some unusually long delays when going to a tab that I am already logged in with.
I did a couple of logins yesterday from different distros… they were successful first try.
You may have been unlucky … picked a busy time



Thanks, Neville, for your reply. :heart:

I guess that´s an explanation.
I was worried a bit due to the fact that it took over two hours to log in.

Hadn´t happened to me before.

Thanks again and many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I thought it was me, yesterday was the pits, but it was election time so thought its all the messages around tnat and my service provider not being able to cope. In summer when our village grows from 300 residents to 1000s everything slows down, or is it orage trying to sell fibre service to more people.


A mate of mine lives in France and he reckons a good internet speed is only available near to a city.


Hi Rosika,

Sorry, I can not help. Perform a google search and also went to “It’s Foss” for a search and both times did not get a hit (saw a solution).

I bookmark the forum web ddress in Firefox. I click on the bookmark and I go straight to the forum without logging in,

Have a nice day.


That is the solution to login annoyances


Not really that true, depends where abouts he is. The roll out is going at a wonderful speed but there are some technical difficulties as with all things.

Some rural locations may never get it, too costly, too far, not enough clients usual stuff.

Where we lived before in the charente maritime region it was going to take a while to get into one area due to physical barriers of terrain so they put up big masts and gave a service lime phone coverage called wimax, that has now been removed and fibre is in place. There are 2 houses in my wifes former hamlet that may never get phone lines never mind fibre they use low cost mobile phone type boxes.

In my village of leucate, in the south of france, fibre came in for me 4 years back, but other parts the holes and conducting is full of sand and plant growth so they are having to dig or bore the pipes to get the cables in place. The wardrobe is ready, all the connections are in place and everything works its just getting the last fibre through the pipes taking the time.

Leucate is 30 km from perpignan and 40 to narbonne which are the 2 big cities for us. We are a holiday village so winter use is down to around 100 residents and summer to around 3000 big difference.


That is reality in Australia. Only cities and large regional towns get fibre. Some
smaller regional towns miss out.
We use a fixed wireless link…not quite as fast as fibre , about 50Mbps download which is quite good.
Some areas are still on copper wire phone lines with ADSL. to the exchange.
A lot of areas have fibre to a local node, and then copper.
The whole thing hangs on reliability of the power supply, which is declining because of
the problems of switching to renewables.


Originally it was only going to be cities, but the price of copper has rocketed so the pull it out on the pretext of using it to feed the new cables through but its more about recycling and costs.

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The problem with long distances is that fibre needs power… a repeater every so many meters. In a lot of our locations, the power is lacking.


My friend lives near a village in France called Carcès.
He has fibre to the router and abysmal net speed.
He says the speed can’t be upped, I don’t know the provider but it seems location is the issue.


I did notice that ItsFoss wasn’t responding at all at one time yesterday morning (i.e. around 9 am GMT+8) or so… Or was that Sunday? Brain was still foggy from headcold yesterday…

Only time I’ve ever had issues logging into ItsFoss was probably due to cookies - as the login method has changed (i.e. if your cookie gets lost - or you’re using a different browser - you need to get a one time token via email - I think?).

As for fibre VS copper? I live 15 km from the CBD of my town (Perth West Oz) - and I’m still on copper (i.e. fibre to the node, then copper to my house - the node is just a tad over 1 km away) - and I’m lucky to get 35 mbit - “technically” was promised when a new government decided to shitcan “fibre everywhere” that Fibre To the Node would deliver 100 mbit (which it plainly can’t in my case)… The worst part - is that my upload is about 8 mbit - that’s the issue with ADSL / VDSL - fibre is usually asynchronous - i.e. no difference between up and down rate. It might not sound like a huge limitation - but it is when I’m WFH (working from home) - so I’m paying for 50/20, but only getting 30/8 and my ISP doesn’t have a cheaper plan e.g. 25/10…


I had problems logging in not long ago and it was browser related.


Yeah, most people don’t get what is paid for nowadays.


Very close to st tropez, very nice part of france, very hilly. Difficult to comment on speed in each region. The main operators Orange, sfr have several different packages available but at vastly different prices and at different times. We are with orange mainly because they are the old france telecom and although we are not on the highest speed plan so far no complaints

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Hello @Rosika

Is the problem still persisting?

There was an issue with Mailgun which has been fixed now.

Perhaps that was the reason why you faced the issue.


Hi all, :wave:

sorry I couldn´t reply eralier, but thanks so much for such a wealth of replies. :heart:

@abhishek :

Thanks for asking.
I wasn´t online yesterday. But when I checked today (just logged in) it went well again - without any hiccups.

That might be it.
Haven´t heard if mailgun before, I have to admit.

Mailgun is a robust transactional email relay service and API that lets you send, receive, and track emails via their secure relay servers. Mailgun can integrate with services like postfix

(How To Configure A Mailgun SMTP Relay in Postfix? Guide 2023)

I learned something new, it seems. :wink:

Thanks again, Abhishek.

@easyt50 :

Thanks for the info, Howard.

O.K., but this means you never log out, right? , @Gary , @nevj , @daniel.m.tripp :

thanks to you all for some very interesting stories. :heart:

Many greetings to all of you and cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s right.


Think the stories make the site more interesting to visit, learning from the experience of other.