Kubuntu 22.10 due TODAY, where is it?

Hello, everyone. Maybe I did not get the memo, which is quite possible and, indeed, rather hoped for, but I had read–and so was under the impression–that all the flavors of Ubuntu (including the new-old Unity), and according to Distrowatch.com, it is true for Xubuntu, Budgie, and minutes ago, Ubuntu regular-not-Unity, also is now available in the new 22.10 Kinetic version, but where is Kubuntu. I am, to say the least, a bit high-strung so this is rather along the lines of the acronym S N A F U (Situation Normal: All F…Flubbed-Up) in that I am worried, but I am always worried about something. This is not helping my case. Trying again…re-configuring route…
Does anyone know about any news regarding delays that were unavoidable and last-minute as far as Kubuntu or any other x-ubuntu flavor? I sure would appreciate any input that offered anything that might help. Because, I cannot possibly be the only person on the planet wondering where it is and what happened, etc. Thanks In Advance! :blush: :grinning:


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Today is not over yet! Why don’t you get the BETA version and play with it live for a couple of days? Just to pass some time…


LOL, thanks @shamu I appreciate it. I actually have the beta as of last week, which I have been using as one of many distros in my hopping around, but I don’t know why, but it seems like I have been waiting a full year/ 2 cycles, as if I had gotten 21.10 and waited the full year. I didn’t, I mean, I have both the 22.04 and the semi-update they did and labeled it 22.04.5 (or … .05) as well as the beta 22.10. What is making it worse, I think, is seeing other flavors already released. Then again, they could be wrestling with the KDE Plasma 5.26 or even the 5.26.1 as a last last-minute decision, though I doubt they would go against their hard and fast rule that after a certain point, Nothing else may be added. I don’t know. Anyway, I appreciate your getting in touch with me and the suggestions that I definitely would have taken you up on for sure, had I not sought out the beta exactly because I could not wait anymore.
Take care, my friend!

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@MichaelTheGamer Being patent pays off (sometimes, not always…) You might learn something new.
You too take care my friend!!

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Visit www.ubuntu.com. I’m downloading Kubuntu 22.10 as I write this, 1530 PST, 20 October (that’s 2230 GMT, if my numbers are correct).


Here too. Like I mentioned above, today is still not over. They just probably got a flat tire somewhere on the road… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: