I ran across this site from a Reddit link. They list quite a few very useful commands. There is nothing new or earth shattering there, but it’s nice to have as a reference for exact syntax.
Not sure if I know what you mean. I joined Reddit and once you have some favorite subreddits they send emails with popular posts from those. I usually spend 20 or 30 minutes in the morning checking out the daily email links from Reddit.
It’s an SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt (a free one) and it expired on April 9. Those are normally 90 days I think and should autorenew before they expire. Not sure why it hasn’t.
We never expose Tomcat or Wildfly directly though. We’ll have Apache or nginx in front of that. That’s where the SSL certification is applied and certbot can keep it updated.
Many of our web apps are now run through AWs load balancers and the SSL cert lives on the load balancer. Unfortunately, that means we have a more manual process for updating them since we don’t use AWS as our Certificate Authority. They make enough money off us already.
This is internal only stuff - and app to app communications…
I keep telling the customer nobody does things this way “out there” in the real world…
You plonk a reverse proxy, or a load balancer (take your pick) in front of the “thing” and the proxy or LB does the HTTPS… And that way you can fractionally reduces the load on the application back end as it can just do http instead of https… But most of my customers are still in the 1990’s, never mind the 2000s’…
And next week they want me to join in a conference with their cert provider about automating certificate renewals - YEAH RIGHT! Dream on!
This is always the way with “bespoke” applications - in my mind, “bespoke” means it’s a piece of shit held together with bits of legacy chicken wire and superglue, and never even got to alpha stage, never mind beta - ran 6 figues over budget during implementation, and 6 months over promised delivery date… Am I a cynic? Guilty!