Hopefully this is a really easy question to answer.
The menu on linux mint cinnamon version, bottom left, arrives when you click or in some cases when you hover. Monifying the menu is easy, right click select edit menu, then add or remove items, such as internet, hexchat or thunderbird, click to show or hide.
If you select the menu normally with left click, you can then right click on an item such as firefox to add to bureau, add to favourites or task bar
All that is easy
But imagine you dont want the lock screen on the menu… i tried locating in the menu preferences, in control panel, in the menu normal, tried right clicking on it … all have no effect.
Ok it does not help i am doing it all in french so may be missing a word when looking
I think you may talking about the “favourites” (translated back from hungarian) panel on the left of the menu?
You can switch it off completely.
If you want to remove just the “lock” button, you will need to edit a file, as this button is hardcoded to show up always.
Edit /usr/share/cinnamon/applets/menu@cinnamon.org/applet.js (you need root rights) with a simple text editor -I used mcedit- and remove the “lock screen” part.*
I highlighted this for you: