Linux Pocket Guide 4th Edition published

Linux Pocket Guide, 4th Edition [Book] has just been published online. The Kindle e-book should be out in about a week, and the print version should be in stores by the end of March. The new edition features 50 new commands, a new organization, and many updates.


Thanks for the extra info will put an order in for a copy next month as its unlikely to be on sale in my local book shop.

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The book has been published. :slightly_smiling_face:


The “horse” book?
Those O’Reilly book covers really identify your work.


From the back of the book: “The animal on the cover of Linux Pocket Guide is a Belgian horse. The first breeding of these gentle giants was recorded in the 17th century, with the creation of the first studbook in 1886. These horses are descendants of the Great Horse of medieval times. They were developed for industrial and farm work and hauling. They have a gentle, cooperative temperament, are willing to work, easy to handle, and rarely spook. They are also adaptable to a wide range of environments.”


Like a Clydesdale?
I have a feeling for horses… my mothers family were blacksmiths.
There is a horse on ‘Linux in a Nutshell’ too.


We have several communities of Amish near where I grew up. I believe they used Belgians for field work. Different breeds for pulling carts for travel purposes.


Hi Daniel J. Barrett,
Congratulations on the publication of the new edition of Linux Pocket Guide.

I’m waiting for Amazon to receive it and I would like it to be autographed… :wink:

As I said earlier, the Linux Pocket Guide, the 2nd version, was one of the first Linux books I had when I started wanting to get started with Linux and, for a while, it was one of my go-to books during my home-work-home commute. That’s why I’m looking forward to receiving the new edition of this book, which brings back a lot of memories of when, for me, information about Linux was scarce and all I could learn about this Linux “world” was from books and magazines

I wish your book great sales success



You hold the honor of being the first O Reilly book I ever did a technical review for, so congratulations. :slight_smile:


And thank you, Doron, for your helpful review comments!

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Hi Daniel J. Barrett,
I’ve finally received the long-awaited LPG

But there’s a “huge” printing error: it’s not autographed, so what do we do now? :thinking:

Once again, congrats on the publication of the new edition of Linux Pocket Guide and I wish your book great sales success.
