Ran across this Distro while browsing through Facebook and decided to give it a look see. I believe this Distro is being developed out of Brazil and it is fairly new. I know their is not much info available. I do know it is based on Ununtu 20.0 LTS, and it has some very strange quirks, when it comes to installing.
The one thing that is apparent, is the W10 look a like, and it is very uncanny, on how it does look like W10. It would not surprise me if Microsoft would have some very strong objections to the W10 look.
I know the developer is trying to sway W10 users to their Distro, but trust me this thing is just a Linux version of W10, and it still runs like Linux with Wine installed.
As you can see it is running Cinnamon 4.4.8 DE. This thing even has it’s on version of Cortana called helloa, I did not use it, but it is their.
Time will tell on how long this Distro will last, but if some users like the W10 look, it might be worth trying without the M$ value. As for me I will stay with a more tried Linux.
As can be seen, it is actually a couple of years old. However, it seems to me more like a reskin, as most other distributions based on Debian and Ubuntu are.
The only Linux OS that focuses on being a superb Windows replacement, which will earn my respect, is something like ReactOS, which tries to run actual Windows applications as well as possible. Wine is already pretty good, same goes for Proton, but it is super far away from “just take this random recently updated Windows program and run it on my OS”.
Otherwise, if some Linux distributions just try to look like Windows 10, then I don’t get the point of the distribution. You can make any Linux look like Windows 10, if you have a Sunday of time to make your own KDE theme.
But sad to say “Windows Look Alike” is the point. Most die hard Windows users, I know, would not go anywhere near a PC without Windows installed.
Yes, I have looked at ReactOS, and have broken several Linux installs trying to use Wine, have never used Proton. I did run LXLE on an older PC, I think it may still be installed, just cannot justify in trying to run the old PC any longer.
I do enjoy running and trying other alternatives to Windows, but quite frankly I really haven’t found any Linux alternative for Windows.
- ahem - cough - cough (pedant alert )
ReactOS isn’t Linux, it’s not even BSD, or UNIX… I believe it uses an x86 (i386/i686) micro-kernel and attempts to be binary compatible with Microsoft Windows NT / win32… I’ve no idea if there’s an x86_64 version of ReactOS, I suspect not… I remember first reading about this in the 1990’s and was surprised to learn recently (last ~5 years) that it was still an ongoing “thing”…
Ah yes, didn’t remember that one. I tend to call anything non-Windows “Linux”, because I’m used to it. I only met a few people (including you) who are using a non-Windows distribution that is technically not Linux.
The other thing that also confuses my memories is that using BSD feels often like using Linux (at least the very few times I needed to use BSD), except the networking part. You can even use tools that are very common on Linux (sudo). Of course it has more to do with the UNIX connection than the Linux connection, but to a long-time Linux user, who doesn’t know and never used UNIX, it seems like Linux.
Good point, though!
Yeah - BSD these days is pretty much the same as using Linux, i.e. in the userland POSIX stuff and the shell (but things like package manager “pkg” are problematic, at best, IMHO)…
My user account on my FreeNAS has all the fruit and goodies I’d expect in Linux, e.g. git, zsh (and “oh-my-zsh” works flawlessly), tmux, sudo… many of the “fundamental” UNIX things are GNU these days (e.g. BSD “find” command used to be like Solaris, i.e. you couldn’t search ignoring case sensitivity - e.g. Solaris : there’s only “find -name”, but in BSD and Linux with GNU find, there’s
“find -iname” - of course you can mostly install all the GNU stuff in Solaris too, and get “find -iname” and a better 20th century “tar” from GNU [tar in Solaris is still very primitive])…