MacBook Pro 2012 starts by itself suddenly having Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 installed

Hello Friends

In a MacBook Pro 2012 was installed directly in its new SSD Ubuntu Desktop 24.04. It works fine. The following situation has happened only twice

The laptop is power off and of course its lid is closed. At any time suddenly it startup by itself - it even with the lid closed. The first time happened when I returned after to do shopping. I did do realize because the external cooler was working. After of 1 or 2 weeks it happened just one hour ago meanwhile I was working in other laptop.

As you can see it happened between a considerable range of time.

Observation: just in case was done the following configuration:

In the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file was edit from #HandleLidSwitch=suspend to HandleLidSwitch=ignore and was executed the sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind command

I am sure the second event happened after of the configuration but I don’t remember if the first event happened before or after of the configuration

How to fix this situation?


There seems to be a fault in the switch… most likely be the power off switch or maybe the lid switch. The switch has to be leaking current for it to turn on.
Keep an eye on it, it might start a fire. I think would be taking the battery out and unplugging power when not in use.

Second thought.
Does it do this with another OS?
If it is only Ubuntu , there would have to be a serious bug in Ubuntu… something like a memory leak that overwrites code and causes it to behave erratically.