Malformed entry in sources.list error in Ubuntu

I managed

I deleted the line casuing the error permanently and the error was solved

@abhishek Thanks for this I wish I’d try to see it’s work but errors still come and we’ll solve them.

As instructed I had to install erlang manually due to different distribution provided, Oops! It still performed what I needed and now enjoying my coding well.

@Pranav Reading can be so immensely useful. Do you see that grey text in the text editor?

It says:

Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode or HTML to format.

Check these links out:

In order to create monospaced text, in MarkDown, you enclose what you want to display in that manner in backticks: `

In BBCode, you enclose your text in [code][/code] tags.

In HTML, you have a whole host of options, including:

<code> some code line </code>


A lot of code

PS: I changed this topics’ title from “Malinformed entry …” to “Malformed entry…”.


Thanks @Mina, I have basic knowledge in html and its tags; but I was not sure with the monospace text…

Edit: Thank you so much, monospace tag works!

Thank you so much @Mina, the above website is very helpful… Actually I was using html codes, but came to know about mark down codes via your recommendation… Thanks a ton again!