Mint 22 now available

I know absolutely nothing myself, but have fixed the screen tearing issue. The NVIDIA settings do not get loaded up automatically, like they do in Mint. Even after adding
sh -c '/usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only'
at login. So have to put in terminal nvidia-settings --load-config-only
I only noticed that it wasn’t loading settings, because simplescreenrecorder warns that flipping has not been disabled in NVIDIA settings. Once I entered the --load-config-only command in Terminal it simplescreenrecorder stopped warning me.

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You put that in .profile or .bashrc?
It should have worked?
Maybe you dont need the sh -c part?

You can use cron to make things run at a reboot.

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Just updated, all went well. First update I had to timeshift, my doing. I installed the newest nvidia drivers and I got black screen of death. I tried alt-ctl-f3 but there i did not know the command to change desktop to cinnamon. I suspect wayland happened. Driver 470, worked in 21.3. What I going to do is enable X11 xorg.conf then try again.