Morse code online tool

What is the comprehensive International Morse Code alphabet chart that includes all English alphabetic letters from A to Z in a complete table format?

I asked Bing bot and it gave me this link. It looks like a PDF with a table of all the characters.


If you want to learn Morse code here’s great online trainer:

The best way to do this is to set the character speed to a high number, say 30 words per minute and set the effective speed to a low number, say 5 words per minute. The reason for doing this is to prevent you from counting dots and dashes (the way I learned) and forcing you to learn each character by its rhythm. This is called the Farnsworth method (Farnsworth was a British code instructor way back when).


Linux has a morse code translator

There are also several other tools


On May 24, 1844, Samuel F. B. Morse dispatched the first telegraphic message

Get ready to celebrate !

… —…

Today in History - May 24 | Library of Congress.

In Australia, during WW2 there was a huge project to build an overland telegraph line from Adelaide to Darwin.
It was an effort to give Southern Australia communication with the rest of the world.
A member of my mothers family was working on the line
construction in the Northern Territory, near Alice Springs.
He became lost in the bush, and was not found for days, and when found was very distressed. It turned out he had contracted meningitis as a child, and the stress of being lost
had reactivated it. He was severely mentally affected and
had to be cared for.
So, Morse code for me , reactivateds a family tragedy. I must remember Uncle Jack and keep him in my prayers.