Network, packet tracher

How can I teach students Linux and packet tracher? My students are PC oriented and need to learn networking


You’re a professional teacher and asking about didactics in an internet forum?

OK. I’ll still try to give you some hints from my teaching experience:

  1. Pick up your audience where it is. If you don’t know about your students’ previous knowledge, assume it’s zero and start with the very basics: What is an operating system and what are the core principles of Unixoid OSs (“Everything is a file”, multi-user etc.) and networking (TCP/IP stack, encryption etc.). When you realize, they are already familiar with these topics, just jump a few chapters.
  2. Always follow the iceberg principle. You should know and have prepared about 10 times of the knowledge you’re going to teach. Otherwise, you will fuck up. Bad teachers who know little more than their students tend to lose themselves in unnecessary details, good teachers who know their subject from head to toe, know what really matters and focus on the essentials. A bad teacher who makes a mistake or runs into a dead end will try to hide it. A good teacher will be able to say: I did that wrong because of this or that reason, or: I have no idea, but I know my subject well enough to find the right answer and come back to you with it next time.
  3. Be passionate about your subject. Find out what makes it intriguing and fascinating, beyond it being part of a curriculum that will eventually get them a diploma and a bread owning perspective. If you are sincere, you’ll be able to transmit your passion to your students, be it with anecdotes and stories or just with the glow in your eyes. When I taught mathematics, I always used the approach: Maths is not a skill, Maths is a form of art, and it’s worth learning it for its beauty, not because you’ll be able to do some useful calculations. Find your very own approach to your subject.
  4. Be passionate about people. Your students are not mere recipients for your wisdom. They are individuals, all with different backgrounds and stories: They will all be able to contribute to the others’ learning experience if you let them. That’s why working in supervised group projects is so tremendously effective. Also realize, your students put their trust in you: You may have a big influence on the success and failure of their future careers. They also trust you to make the hours they’re spending with you worth the lifetime they didn’t spend having fun with their friends or fucking each other. Teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession: If you care about your students, they’ll be able to enrich your life as much as you enrich theirs. Give to be given.
  5. Be yourself! Don’t try to follow the approach of some master in your field. Their approach may be good for them, but not necessarily for your. Perhaps, you’re not good in making free associations in front of a group, then follow a tight script. Perhaps tight scripts don’t fit you: In that case, allow yourself to ramble. If you therefore missed something essential in one class, pick it up in the next one. If talking is not your thing, hand them out tasks to prepare and teach their fellow students, or give them a topic and make them quiz you about it.

I hope, that helps a bit.


Never thought that teacher is going to ask this question in Internet forums
As my Computer teacher (SK Gaur)never asked these type of questions
Seeing this for first time

You need to provide more details.

Tools like Wireshark work on Windows as well. There are many tools available that let you run and practice Linux commands on Windows. WSL is the best of the choice if your students have to stick with Windows.

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Thank you for your answer
I’m a professional teacher, work a lot
Of years
But new on Linux
So learning
Thanks again