NetworkManager 1.26...Groovy

Will this NOT break 20.04? Any experience here?

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What’s your question?

Why would you look at Groovy anyway?

I’m running 20.04 on a desktop machine and NetworkManager isn’t broken.

I’m running 21.04, on a Lenovo laptop that was upgraded from 20.04 - and - NetworkManager isn’t broken, and it wasn’t broken when it was still 20.04, either.

So - your question is about “Groovy” (20.10) - but you quote “20.04” which is NOT “Groovy Gorilla”, but in fact “Focal Fossa”.

If you were considering upgrading 20.04 to 20.10, why do that now - when 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) is available - 20.10 is probably EOL (end of life) already, by now…

Note : NetworkManager version on Focal (20.04) is :

╰─➤ /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --version

On 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo” x86_64 (originally 20.04 but “do-release-upgrade” to 21.04) :

╰─➤ /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --version

On 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo” arm64 (RPi4 B) :

╰─➤ /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --version

I’ve never tried “Groovy Gorilla” 20.10 on anything - is that running NetworkManager 1.26 ???

Your question is not clear could you edit and write it down again

I actually thought about the following Groovy…


I’m running 20.4 FF, and am asking if NM 1.26 from the newer distro can be installed without creating issues. Looks like Hirsute Hippo is the best way to go, at any rate!
I’m behind on the release schedule, obviously :wink:

GG is using NM1.26.xx