New COSMIC Epoch not working on Pop OS 22.04

Okay so u must have already seen the new cosmic alpha 2. I really like the DE so I decided to try it on my Pop 22.04 itself instead of downloading the Pop os 24.04. I followed the steps given by sys76 from their github oage of cosmic-epoch. But its simply not working. When I select COSMIC from the de selection menu of gdm3 it just blinks a grey screen in 2-3 seca interval. Attaching a video for reference. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

Thanks in advance!

(Attaching drive link as .mp4 not allowed to attach)

That grey screen is usually an X11 problem. ( or do you have Wayland?).
Try the kernel boot parameter nomodeset


Wayland was a requirement for it. So I did install it.
Lemme try the parameter u told abt.

Tried. Nomodeset making things worst. After doing that the button for selecting the des just disappeared…now without the parameter, its back again…


I think you may need to look at Wayland configuration.
I cant help, I have not tried Wayland.

Is there anything here

How about you try starting the DE by hand, instead of using the gdm display manager… then you may get some useful error messages. To do that just disable gdm3 by renaming its binary. Then you will get a console login prompt. Login and see if you can start the DE from the console.


Do you try this on nvidia?


Yes…its the same os in which i have the nvidia-470 driver.

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Should I try cosmic’s own display manager?

Also i dont really know how to start it by hand. Can u help me it. Thanks!

I thought so.
The reason Ii sold my nvidia and changed to AMD was its problems with wayland.
Regarding Linux, avoid wayland and nvidia in the same sentence :frowning:


Actually wayland is working with the old pop desktop ie modified gnome.

And yeah they gave an extra step for people having nvidia card but its not working even if i try it.

I only know about X11 , not Wayland…
you can start raw X11 with startx command… you will get a very elementary twm window manager
if there is a DE , it will have its own startup command… eg startxfce4
COSMIC will have a startup command… you may need to search for it… look in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin
You may get some help from the Cosmic documentation.

The traditional way to start Unix is to login via a console ( ie no login manager) and to use startx to get a graphic screen. It has advantages… you can see the error messages if something goes wrong.