New Firefox version

I know it’s not brand new but did anyone else look at the new Firefox version and think loopback?


Recently replaced Mint with LMDE–this is the version included in the distro.

Not a snap I hope.

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My point was the circled area.

Looks a lot like Loopback IP. :grinning:


OK, I get it now thanks.
I am a bit thick today…maybe it is the Winter Solstice, which happens to coincide with a FullMoon this year.


Summer Solstice here. It’s amazing how far north the sun sets.

Now the days get shorter, and winter is on the way. LOL.

I’m not a glass half empty kind of guy. Plenty of golfing weather left.

Funny, a song by Men at Work just came on. They’re from Australia right?


Maybe, I am not musical.

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“Men at Work are an Australian rock band formed in Melbourne in 1978 and best known for breakthrough hits such as “Down Under”, “Who Can It Be Now?”, …”


This was “It’s a Mistake”.

Thanks for clearing that up with the number I had not spotted that just the ubuntu link part

Better pass me a vegemite sandwich… so I can sing along
Where beer flows and men chunder

Poor Neville a missed education :sleepy:


I did other things.


What could be more important than going to a disco, standing against the wall watching the girls (sharon) dancing around there handbags.
Trying to think of great chat up lines…
Come here often ?
You dancing ?
Get your coat …
Ok perhaps getting a good education was better

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I was in the 12th grade of High School before I dated, fell in love with the prettest girl in school, but it did not last!!!

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Tried that once. Took two beers to get the taste out of my mouth.
Summer solstice, time for another beer.

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What does that mean?

mmm - vegemite - had a couple of vegemite and cheese crumpets for lunch yesterday - mmm…

That song “Down Under” was the subject of a lawsuit - it plagiarised part of the song “Kookaburra Sits In The Old Gum Tree” without royalties or credits to the original songwriter…

And the lead singer of Men At Work was actually Scottish - an expat (Colin Hayes I think).

We have kookaburras here - but - they’re not “native” to the South West of West Australia - some bright spark thought “maybe they’ll control the snake population” and introduced them here in the 19th century… Unfortunately - there are predators on the East Coast (mostly lace monitors) that keep them in check - the largest goannas we have are sand monitors, and they don’t climb trees to rob nests of nestlings. Kookaburras actually prey on the nestlings of native birds, and compete for nesting hollows in trees with native birds.

A kookaburra is just a large, mostly terrestrial, kingfisher…

also - never use the full loopback address - I use the shell shorthand for it of “0” - e.g. :

╭─x@fenrix ~  
╰─➤  ping 0
PING 0 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.049 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.077 ms

I mostly use it to verify something’s listening - e.g. on an apache server “telnet 0 80”…
e.g. port 22 on my Pop!_OS machine :

╭─x@fenrix ~  
╰─➤  telnet 0 22
Connected to 0.
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4

Sometimes the service is bound to the loopback address though and only allows connections from the local machine. I normally run:

netstat -an | grep ':80 '

Port 80 or 22 or whatever.

Have not seen that before. TIL

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Sorry Neville did not mean to offend you, just trying to add a bit of humour to the exchange


No, it did not offend, Paul.
I know I walk to a different drum
It was just a question… what constitutes a good education?


Education is a difficult subject to answer…

Think like most it starts in childhood with parents and other children, you must do this, you must do that etc.
Then continues throught school life at different ages and perhaps different schools or types of schools. Covering standard subjects maths, language, for some science, history, geography etc

Then at 16 ???
Post education through work, unemployment or further education, apprenticeship

This can be formal such as hnc, hnd, degree, masters, doctorate (subject to contry equivalence)

University, polytechnic or the like

It also can be professional things and exams, microsoft, or other software houses. Or hardware based apple, ibm and the like

But the biggest form for me is life !
Experiences that shape your life, marriage, children, death, divorce this list can go on and on

There is no real answer to education, there is no answer to how it is then used or put in place… doctors, nurses, politicians, lawyers, poet song writers… all use different education methods.

On this site do we just help others or do we set out to educate, is it serious or played in fun, or by stories…

We all have someone who has influenced us through life and that is an education.

Simply I dont have an answer, everyday I hope to learn something new and continue to be educated