Today, Garuda updated the kernel to the new version 6.10, that was recently released. So far, it seems to work flawlessly. My initial impression is that it’s significantly better than the 6.9.10 release, which messed with my Nvidia video driver, making video graphics jerky/fluttery.
This week, I installed MEGAsync (again), to see if some issues I encountered earlier have been fixed. It seems to be all good now. I configured the desktop client to sync my Documents and Pictures directories to directories of the same names on my storage space. I did this on both my desktop and primary laptop PCs, so when anything changes in these directories on either device, it’s reflected on the other. Next, I copied the contents of my OneDrive directory to my MEGA directory, so all those files are stored on too. I have a script I wrote to sync any changes on the OneDrive directory to the MEGA directory, using rsync. I’ve added it to my sync alias in (dot)bashrc, so when I manually sync OneDrive (using that alias), any changes will be reflected to the MEGA directory, and therefore, to
Today, I installed Balena Etcher, so I can easily install ISO image files on USB sticks in GNU/Linux. Then I downloaded Rescuezilla (a GUI front end for Clonezilla, as a live ISO image file), and used Etcher to put it on a 16GB USB3 stick, then used that stick to image my primary laptop’s SSD drive, storing it on the device’s 2TB external drive. Unless things change significantly, I should have enough space on that drive to keep several images, so if something bad happens (like me doing something stupid during an ‘experiment’), I’ll at least be able to recover rather easily.
All in all, I’m feeling more and more ready to drop Windows, if Microsoft does all I suspect they will with the next major Windows upgrade. On the other hand, if they don’t do all the bad stuff I’m expecting, and I decide to keep them around for a bit longer, I’ll still have a great way to image all my computers (for free), and I’ll be able to end my Macrium Reflect subscription, saving some money in the bargain to boot. The best part of all this is that I got the MEGAsync desktop app, the onedrive client, and Balena Etcher from Garuda’s chaoticAUR repository, so any updates will come from Garuda, as part of my normal system maintenance routines.
This has been a good week for me,