No inputs in installing Ubuntu

I have a laptop in which touch screen is not working, hence when changing OS, it does not allow me to type in inputs peacefully. Due to non-working touch screen, it drags my mouse or cursor to multiple place in screen.

I usually disable touchscreen after installing windows. Is it possible to create a Ubuntu image with touch screen disabled by default, and also I can install without typing anything during installation (all inputs fed in image).

First and foremost, WELCOME to the community.

Give this a look see.

I would try to add
to GRUB cmdline upon start of the installer (live mediium).
If I guess right, this will prevent the kernel to load the touchscreen driver, so it won’t work…

Looking at Ubuntu installer, I found it behaves a bit different, than Debian.
I tryed it in a VM, and did a quick and dirty record of it.
Here it comes:

Upon boot I pressed down arrow couple times.
I chosed to try Ubuntu without installing, but before selecting it via [ENTER], pressed F6 (Other options).
From here I need to select “expert mode”, this is what enables to edit the cmdline I mentioned above.
Added here the kernel option (of course on my VM it had zero effect), booted Ubuntu live, from where it is possible to install the OS.
Hopefully that kernel option will work for you, and it will really disable the touch screen.