People are rude on Linux Mint Forums

Thank you for mentioning Brunel’s Atmospheric Caper! I knew Brunel mainly for the River Thames Tunnel and his steamship but I never heard anything about this truly amazing piece of technology.

Just a picky (rather pedantic) correction: There is no such thing as a vacuum propelled train. The source of the propulsion is the higher pressure on the other side of the vehicle or the piston.

Star Trek - The Next Generation S01E02 The Naked Now

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I don’t like foul language in that context. Why are you talking about something in the media 4 years ago!? He did something sexual to a woman – big deal! Barack Obama had a false birth certificate. I think Donald flip flops and it was bad when he rejected the claim. A live birth certificate is not the same as a birth certificate. I’ve seen videos on Youtube about it. Linus seems to be upset by things and takes things personally. Donald’s private life was recorded without his permission. I think there is a bit of a difference. There’s a lot that has gone under the bridge since then. Barack Obama being a legal alien is a lot more serious. I think that by saying “That could have been my son” and basically starting a riot over how a Black person was treated by police is a lot more serious. Those issues are. Most people have been poisoned by PC and I think it’s sad. It should have stayed as a private conversation with Donald.

I’ve seen leftists (when it suits them) arm themselves to the teeth. I saw an article about it once. When George Floyd was killed, who destroyed the cities? LEFTISTS! This is fact! The left get far more emotional over things despite “armed right wing militas!” Right wing people actually get chased off the streets because the media is largely left leaning. Even Fox has upset right wingers lately and they have been exposed as fake right wing.

You’ve been emotionally brought in the conversation. It’s not good.

I am not a Trump apologist. I am actually disappointed that he is enthusiastic about a vaccine. Everyone has different opinions on the deaths of many. As I said your wallowing in it now but all this ad hominem kinda things you’re throwing at me. You said “maybe” (admitting I was right with the pro leftist media) but then went on about all these different topics. I didn’t tell you to keep going. But basically you’ve labelled me as a Trump supporter without even saying it. It’s a dirty trick the media do… Even though he is kinda more left wing in some ways. But that will get you more ad hominem with me and I really don’t want to go and and on. People get triggered by Trump and let the media do the talking. We should make up our own minds. No one likes character assassination.

Just as I don’t like Linus as much as I use to. SJW wanted to take their code about from the Kernel. But does that mean I should go on like a leftist because Linus said something I didn’t like? He had to apologize to what he said about lefitsts, but he doesn’t have to apologize to Trump supporters. I wonder how many of them use Linux? Linus as has admitted to being rude and difficult at work.

Trump will only be around for a maximum of 4 more years. Linus is around a lot longer. That’s why it’s not good to focus on Trump and get triggered. Linus showed a side I didn’t like. It wasn’t the first time. I am getting a bigger picture. And just like a politician he doesn’t have to apologize! It’s much easier to hate Trump because he’s a politician than Linus. It’s much easier for Linus to say such things. Get my drift?

Right wing protesters are kept off the street because antifa wants to beat the crap out of anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Look at BLM and the cities they destroyed. That’s what the far left does but people go quiet on it.

People always think they are better than politicians. Linus comes out of the woodwork and insults millions of people. He knew what America was like. HE IMMIGRATED THERE! How many of these Trump supporters use Linux?

Why is Donald criticized for his speech but not Linus?

There are establishment scientists that are more in it for the money that actual science. Just as there are career politicians. Donald did something like build the wall. HILLARY CLINTON WANTED THE WALL BUILT TOO BUT ATTACKED DONALD FOR DOING THE SAME THING!

It’s sad one guy like Donald should be singled out. It’s strange. Linus fell in the trap of letting the emotions get to the better of him. He had to apologize to the SJW code people on the Linux Kernel. We can be better than Donald! I’ve seen a pattern emerge from Linus and I am disappointed by him. Just as I am disappointed in Trump. Smart people like Linus have a weak stamina and it looks disappointing.

Leftists say that the right has a good platform to speak on but never prove it! Anyway. Let’s not talk about all this. I just hate how Donald triggers everyone. HE’S A POLITICIAN! What would you expect!? There are many bad politicians and we should make decisions ourselves rather than looking repulsive like Linus. If you don’t agree with me you don’t agree. I can’t help but feel the way I do. It’s a leftist kinda world…

I agree. We shouldn’t get that emotional over a president that will only be in office a maximum of 4 more years. But you saw all the topics that were leveled against me: climate change, chinesevirus deaths, Donald Trump’s personal life, racism against Donald’s skin color… How did it all happen!?

A high dose of leftism makes people emotional. And I don’t mean anything bad to other posters. I think it’s a scientifically proven statement. I can speak of my credentials out over learning and what I’ve learnt from the Internet – videos, articles, citations with source references etc. I just love facts. The mainstream media wants to dumb everyone down. That’s what’s great about the Internet and that’s why I use Linux!!! AND GUESS WHAT!? THAT’S NOT A MAINSTREAM THING TO DO! :smiley:

I’ll try to explain myself if people get offended…

I shall seize the opportunity presented by this question to return to the main topic of this thread: disrespectful or toxic discourse within the IT community

As a matter of fact, Linus Torvalds has been criticized for years for his language and attitude. Effectively, this criticism was one of the reasons that the Linux Foundation established its Code of Conduct.

This code aims to reduce harassment and abusive behaviour within the community but obviously has found its own critics and led to the creation of urban legends, namely the one that white male developers would be abandoning in masses the work
on the kernel because of excessive political correctness.

As a side node, I still find it astonishing how much of a women’s profession software development was in the early decades from the late 40s until way into the 70s. This eventually changed when it became financially lucrative. In this context, toxic masculinity was actually an effective way to scare off unwanted (female and black) competition.

Here’s a lovely classic fun article on this topic:

Real Programmers Don’t Use Pascal

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Actually, bragging about sexual abuse is a big deal.

It’s a matter of influence, Trump can influence many people Torvalds very few, although both men are crude, arrogant and opinionated. I cannot imagine Trump making anything or inventing something that could be monetized and giving it away for free.

I agree that some forum members are rude they assume a high level of knowledge in others when it comes to Linux. On the other hand people answering forum questions are just that, people. It’s not what they do for a living any help they give is free and searching for an answer will get you there eventually. Preface your search with “it’s foss” eg “it’s foss install VLC” and you’ll get a helpful answer again by a person that’s giving their time and knowledge for free.
Any car owner asking their mechanic for information on repairing their car will likely get a terse reply or a bunch of technical terms and “in the know” jargon, the mechanic will assume a level of knowledge the average person doesn’t possess, again what information the mechanic gives is free how can you criticize getting something for nothing?


I have been using Linux Mint for 10+ years. I have never had anyone be rude to me on their forum.


Concerning Obama’s birth place, I reckon, we shouldn’t give this bullshit any more thought at all. These conspiracy theories following people are not able or not willing to accept any facts contradicting their twisted world views. So, any attempt to do so, is just wasted life time.


Who says it was sexual abuse? I was under the impression it was consensual. But it all honesty it’s his private life and I didn’t want to know how Donald handles women!

(Maybe you know more about this private audio that I do.)

Yes, it’s all the White man’s fault. That old chestnut. It’s always acceptable to blame the White man for everything, including Donald’s skin color.

You do seem anti male and anti White. The conversation quickly snowballs.

I honestly don’t want to make anymore replies. Unless it’s about Linus/Linux/Linux Mint or something… People have let Trump stuff rule their heads and more important to defend. Most of my post was not about politics anyway…

I thought it was necessary to have a PS despite what I said in last message. Philip Berg (life long Democrat) wrote a book about it and has his website Obamacrimes and he said that Barack is an illegal alien. I believe he’s an attorney.

Philip Berg.

I wish I could pin this post. We can’t change our politicians but let’s learn from politicians and let’s learn how not to be like them! I am sure the developers at Linux wouldn’t have time to talk about moron politicians! Anyway… it’s sad that my post has been hijacked over politics when it wasn’t the main thing anyway.

Do you have any thoughts on how to make things better IN LINUX, rather than politics? Can people send feedback and kinda let the owners of Linux Mint or Linus know or something? Let’s talk about this instead!!!

I find it extremely appalling but at the same time quite amusing that the whole time you are trying to attack the “leftists” (even though most people you address are not leftist in the way you interpret it, at all) and yet you are doing precisely what the left is usually criticised for:

Attacking strawmen.

In the case of your response to @Mina you are creating HUGE strawman. Where the fuck does this user say anything racist or sexist? Where does this user tell you that the white man is at fault? It’s you who put this in this user’s mouth. Your wannabe arguments are typically leftist: instead of making actual arguments, you cry about people opposing your view. What kind of bitch ass snowflake cry baby are you??

Go back into your safe space, we don’t need leftist cry baby boo hoo kids, that just plainly lie about what someone said, just to make them seem like they are “evil”.

You are irony in person.

Now please refrain from talking further pseudo-political (because you are disguising empty and absolutely ridiculous accusations by making it seem like it’s about politics) bullshit, because it annoys the people with actual brains here.

If you are going to keep crying about other opinions, which hurt your fefes, I will silence your account temporarily, so you can finally educate yourself and try to accept that OTHER people might have OTHER opinions!

P.S.: Don’t forget to tell your crazy followers that sOmE MoDeRaToR On a fOrUm siilEnCeD My cOnSeRvAtiivE ViiEw, while entirely forgetting to mention, that you aren’t expressing conservative views, but are just attacking people for their opinions. If a Trump voter would see how hurt you are by opposing views, they would chuck you into a bin and load it off at some Hillary voters’ place, which is the perfect safe space for people having fefes instead of brains.


I think I am realizing, no matter where I go, people get emotional over politics. It doesn’t matter I wrote a few more paragaphs after the first mentioning Trump and Torvalds. People can’t see the sense of what I am saying and then the thread gets hijacked over politics! I gave political replies as well. But only one person thought we were going off topic. Politics became king in this thread even though we can’t control politics. We should make Linux better as our focus. How do we do it? Can we admit Linus was attacked with the terms of service because of left wing extremists? If it was right wing, I would hate that too. But that seems to be a big thing in this day and age. It’s always “attack the right.” So that’s obviously a threat.

I wish I could lock this discussion now, but I can’t. But I’ll be criticized for continuing and all kinds of things. I know my new comments will be scrutinized. …

The irony is strong in you, young Padawan!

I am certainly considering now, that you are delusional. I am sorry if you have a psychological sickness creating delusions, because if that is the case, I take back what I said to you, as sick people usually cannot be held responsible.

However, I cannot know what your actual life situation is, so I am forced to assume that you are doing this on purpose.

That’s why I need to give you a break, because young Timmy (I think this name fits you well) needs a timeout before raging on the kindergarden’s backyard again for someone looking at him the wrong way.

Go read a book, then look at your feelings. Understand what the feelings are trying to tell you. You are not angry at us, you are angry at yourself.

Please do me a favour: if you will tell anyone about this, then please show them this thread so they can create their own opinion about who was right and who was wrong. Don’t just spread your propaganda about this thread, without showing them the truth. Don’t do what you attack the mainstream media for all the time. Don’t be a bitch ass double standard hypocrite leftist cry baby boo hoo snowflake Hillary boot licker.

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