Playwright software

I don’t know if the software I seek exists (!) which is why I am asking. Alternatively, it may exist but I am misnaming it, so that Mr Google isn’t giving me the right answers.

If you have written a play, is it possible to have the lines read out by on-screen avatars, perhaps on a rudimentary stage, or scene?

The idea is obviously to give the playwright a better sense of their creation, all the better to tweak and correct it.

I found one for Linux called KIT Scenarist. Home page: Dowload Page: [(Install package home:AndnoVember:KITScenarist / kitscenarist)


Many thanks TrekJunky

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I didn’t even know that such a program existed. I usually use simple editors and spellcheck services when I need to write some text. Another indicator that the stock of knowledge in the world is endless.

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