Post Suggestion: Linux GUI Editors for 32 bits

Hello Friends

Could you consider in write a post about Best/List Linux GUI editors but for 32 bits?

BTW I’ve already read the following post:

But it is for 64 bits …

So in my case, I have an old laptop with Linux Peppermint OS for 32 bits based on Debian, therefore I thought that some Debian users with 32 bits could have the same situation too.

Thanks for your understanding.

I could mention NotepadQQ, I don’t know if it is the best, but it’s good.
Consider it as a port of Notepad++ from Windows.
I like it.

It’s for Ubuntu, but works for me on Debian.
It has i366 (32bit) package too.

Edit: however I modify the link, the warning here about snap stays.
So I provide a direct link to the binary packages, which doesn’t render the forum motor:


NotepadQQ is actually pretty great.

My bread-and-butter editor Kate is also available in 32 bit, as is the Swiss Army Chainsaw of editors, Emacs.

edited: Kate has no 32 bit version any more.


Thanks for the quick replies

It’s for Ubuntu, but works for me on Debian.
It has i366 (32bit) package too.

I hope it be available for PeppermintOS too … I think it has snap too.

My bread-and-butter editor Kate is also available in 32 bit

It is confuse, according with Get Kate - Kate page, there appears the “64” term and nothing about 32.

Thanks to all

Try to install it.
As I remember, the way I installed it on (64 bit Debian):
First downloaded the .deb packages (both notedpadqq and notepadqq-common), then
dpkg -i notedpadqq.deb

Of course this fails because of dependeny problems, so right after dpkg -i I issued
apt install -f which installs the dependencies, AND notepadqq…
Despite it’s meant to be installed on Ubuntu Bionic, it works on my Debian systems…
So this install method worked for me on Debian Buster, and later on Bullseye.
I’m still on Bulsseye, did not try on Bookworm.
Later I moved these debs into my own home-repo, so I just install via apt install notepadqq.

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It seems, I have to apologize. My info was apparently outdated.

There seems to be no official binary release for 32 bit Linux any more.

Of course, you could compile it yourself, but if I were you, I wouldn’t. It’s a nice editor, but spending hours in putting together all dependencies, is just not worth it, I reckon.


Thanks again for the replies

Good news


In your first answer, consider to update the URL, remove the +packages part, otherwise when the page is rendered, does not appear the “Warning” message. It would be confused for other readers if arrives to this post.

Thanks for the pair of commands. Yes, I used them sometimes, BTW that pair can be replaced with something like sudo apt install notepadqq.deb, perhaps some extra parameter would be need it.

Finally I installed notepadqq through snap with the sudo snap install notepadqq command. Practically the same command as suggested in the “warning” message.

This editor looks fine, my goal was use an editor for script purposes, .sh files, colors are enabled by default for the script syntax and is possible have multiple tabs opened.


Don’t worry. Agree, is wise avoid do a manual build/compile.

Anyway, I did do realise about this with:

snap find vlc
 //does not appear in the output
snap find kate
 //no results

Anyway if the sudo snap install kate command is executed is shown an error message indicating that the architecture is not supported. Same with vlc, it to apply a discard.

Thanks to all :slight_smile:


I tried to edit the link, but the warning stood there. So I added a direct link to the packages instead.

Yes, that may work too. :slight_smile:
I really do hate snaps, whenever I think of them I feel so much disgust! My poor english doesn’t allow me to correctly express this.
So I never ever would recommend anything to anyone snap-based.
Anyway, I’m glad Notepadqq works for you on 32bit, and if you like a snap install, just use it :wink:

I forgot to mention, what I really love in Notepadqq: the vertical selection.
Press ctrl-alt, and click left mouse button, and drag. You’ll see what I mean…
It so easy to select a column in a tabbed text table, or just delete the first 2 characters on evry selected line, and such…
This is a uniqe feature, I didn’t see this any other editor.

Interesting suggestion… I believe tools like Geany should be available on 32-bit systems.

I can see a 32-bit download option for Sublime Text but it is not open source.

Altogether, it is less likely that newer, modern code editors will be supporting 32-bit architecture :frowning:

Still will try and give some suggestions


Hello Friends


So I never ever would recommend anything to anyone snap-based.

Well, I read in other places that snap has some situations like other package managers … but I assume that tools must be improved quickly … otherwise are replaced by others … If my memory does not fail me the problem is performance.

Anyway, I’m glad Notepadqq works for you on 32bit, and if you like a snap install, just use it

Thanks, but remember in your first link, there is a “warning” message suggesting to use snap. So it is the best suggestion or is out of date.

Huge thanks for the tips about notepadqq I will try it soon as I can … I hope find the option to load/open the hierarchy tree of files to show the directories and files. As VS Code has in the left part


Interesting suggestion… I believe tools like Geany should be available on 32-bit systems.

I did not do a deep research about that because in the home page the latest release was on 2021. So I assumed it does not have support anymore … therefore I discarded that editor quickly.

I can see a 32-bit download option for Sublime Text but it is not open source

Perhaps the same for Atom, but was closed, but I remember there is a community giving some support yet. Anyway I am happy with VS Code. But is for 64 bits.

Still will try and give some suggestions

Sounds great … pls, consider to create other tutorial about NotepadQQ, it according the tools/options/features mentioned by Laszlo. Specially the unique feature.

Thanks to all!

I did do realize that NotepadQQ is even older than Geany - :face_with_peeking_eye:, it according with GitHub - notepadqq/notepadqq: A simple, general-purpose editor for Linux …

For the audience, I did create the same question on PeppermintOS forum. There are the following suggestions:

  • Brackets
  • Bluefish
  • Geany (already mentioned here)

Thanks for your support to all