Proud Papa Moment: My Son Switches to Linux!

Proud Papa Moment: My Son Switches to Linux!

Hey fellow FLOSS enthusiasts, I just had to share this amazing news with all of you! Last night, my son (whom we lovingly call Nuggie) told me that he’s decided to switch to Linux. I couldn’t be prouder of him!

As many of you will not know, Nuggie is an honor grad in Computer Science and works in IT in a manufacturing setting. His new skills will undoubtedly open up many opportunities for him, not just in his current field but also in other industries like consulting, research, or even entrepreneurship!

I’m thrilled to see him embracing the world of open-source software and all its benefits. Linux is an incredible tool that can lead to greater flexibility and versatility in his career. I’m sure he’ll be able to leverage his newfound expertise to excel in whatever path he chooses.

Please join me in congratulating Nuggie on this exciting new chapter!
Congrats Kid,


Good for him! Which distro?


Doing such a level of studies think wise move to linux


Congratulations to your son.
It is always great to hear of someone expanding their learning horizon.
The great thing about FOSS is it magnifies your opportunities to learn.


Congratulation Nuggie! You made your father proud.


XFCE, He has a 3d printer, been designing plenty, work life takes all his time. It a test on a lap top and he is planing on buying a new MB/CPU/RAM to build a station using linux mint version. It will be Mint for sure


Samual Jackson Quote:
Ezekiel 25:17 says it best, “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shows forth in putting to death his enemies, just as I shall soon do with these nasty folks.”
Hey there, Neville Jackson!
What’s good, my man? I gotta tell you, I’m pumped about what’s goin’ down with the kid. He’s got the skills to bring a whole new OS into the mix at that worldwide company that’s lookin’ for alternatives. You know how they say “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? Well, this kid is makin’ Linux-based lemonade, and I’m lovin’ every drop of it!
This cat’s got game, Neville! He’s a computer science honor grad, workin’ in IT at a manufacturing plant. That means he’s already got the chops to bring that tech know-how to the table. And now, he’s gonna be the one showin’ ‘em all how Linux can be the real deal for their company.
I’m tellin’ you, Neville, this kid’s got the future lookin’ bright. He’s gonna light it up like a spaceship on a mission from Mars! So, you better be proud of him, 'cause I am!
That’s what’s good, my man!


Mint is the best distro for a beginner. Well chosen. :slight_smile:


Think the best answer is we all meet up down the pub and you buy everyone a drink, to celebrate

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A picture of Nuggie for you.


That’s nice. Congratulate him from my side :slight_smile:


Congratulations, good upbringing and proper guidance throughout life always give results, even in the choice of OS.


Congrats, Nuggie! GNU/Linux is a veritable adventure in learning! I hope you enjoy using it as much as I do :slight_smile:



So my story is the exact opposite!

I started using linux from 7th grade and now im in 11th grade…but my father doesn’t seem to be overjoyed cuz I use linux…

Although there is a twist.
My father uses an old MBP 2012. Suddenly one day, it stopped running SSDs so had to switch to HDD only. MacOS was crying while running on it. So I somehow convinced my father to atleast TRY linux on it.

He agreed and I installed Pop OS 22.04 on it cuz of its excellent driver support.
Its been six months now and he is really happy with it! He does all his office work on it…mostly browser and sometimes word,ppt,excel. I also installed MS Office 2013 on it with PlayOnLinux and he uses it too…He likes it because he says that after the long boot time, the os is pretty stable and decently fast…obs apps take time to open but still he is happy with it!

The main thing is that all the webcam, mic, wifi started working out of the box! Thats why I love Pop OS!!