Questions regarding openbox session

Hi Rosika,
Check the PATH for rosika_3
echo $PATH

At least you have the mount permissions under control


Hi Neville, :wave:

thanks for your new answer.

In the meantime I found out how to execute a command as another user.

Among other possibilities thereĀ“s the su command:
su [another user] -c [command]

To verify it works I did the following as the old user rosika:

su rosika_3 -c bash
Password: [pw for rosika_3]
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
Welcome to Linux Lite 6.2 rosika_3
Montag 20 Februar 2023, 14:42:24
Memory Usage: 1636/3842MB (42.58%)
Disk Usage: 15/23GB (65%)
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 rosika_3 ī‚° / ī‚± home ī‚± rosika ī‚° pwd
 rosika_3 ī‚° / ī‚± home ī‚± rosika ī‚° ls /home
lost+found  rosika  rosika_3  timeshift
 rosika_3 ī‚° / ī‚± home ī‚± rosika ī‚° cd /home/rosika_3
 rosika_3 ī‚° ~ ī‚° pwd
 rosika_3 ī‚° ~ ī‚° exit
rosika@rosika-Lenovo-H520e ~> echo $status

So it seems to work fineā€¦ :+1:
ā€¦ although I get those ā€œcannot set terminal process groupā€ messages which however doesnĀ“t seem to have mattered. In the end when logging out I still get

echo $status

which is good. :wink:

OK. then:

I did a direct comparison of users rosika_3 and rosika. HereĀ“s the output:

rosika@rosika-Lenovo-H520e ~> su rosika_3 -c 'echo $PATH'
Password: [pw for rosika_3]
rosika@rosika-Lenovo-H520e ~> echo $PATH
/usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /sbin /bin /usr/games /usr/local/games /snap/bin

I canĀ“t spot any difference.

Next time when logging in to my new user account IĀ“ll try the su variant for executing the command(s) that didnĀ“t work last time.

Thanks a lot, Neville.

Many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:

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