Searching for a Grey Line Linux app for Ham Radios

Hi, is there a program for gray line that can be used in linux for ham ops. ?


Further reference:

I presume this is what you are talking about? @raymond


DXAtlas looks relevant, but I cant find out if it is freeware, or even if the downloads are for linux?

The website is not very informative.


Hello Neville, I have been a licensed ham since 1953 and I used gray line a lot when using windows but I switched to linux, many years ago, I have not been able to find a version that works on linux.I was hoping there was.No problem, we have lots of other ways to help us. Thanks,Ray, VE2ol.


@raymond :

Hi Raymond, :wave:

I used to be a SWL and DXer in my youth. :wink:
Quite a long time ago, I´m afraid.
You might want to take a look at the following:

Well, it´s not a dedicated app but I often make use of this site: .

You can tune in to radio stations, and amateur radio as well, by using a shortwave receiver online.
It´s driven by the University of Twente, in the Netherlands:

Wide-band WebSDR

On this page you can listen to and control a short-wave receiver located at the amateur radio club ETGD at the University of Twente. In contrast to other web-controlled receivers, this receiver can be tuned by multiple users simultaneously, thanks to the use of Software-Defined Radio.

You can choose various modes, like AM, FM, Upper Side Band, Lower Side Band etc.

You´ll find quite a collection of other receivers located all over the world here: , in case the former one doesn´t suit your needs.

Hope it helps a bit.

Many greetigs from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Rosika, I presently use an all SDR Icom 7610 radio and I am aware of what you say, I just wish the gray line program was available on Linux. Thanks


Hi Raymond, :wave:

O.K., I understand.

Seems you are a real pro. :+1:
No wonder, since you are a licensed HAM radio operator. I admire your achievements.

I hope you´ll get some better help from someone else.

Good luck and many greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Ray,
OK, I see now , it is Windows software.
I wonder if you could run Windows in a Linux VM, and install DXAtlas in that?
VM’s in Linux are not difficult… there are 3 to choose from… virt-manager, gnome boxes, or virtualbox.
I would try one of the earlier versions of windows in a VM, like about Win7.
You need a VM capable PC… any modern PC is fine.



@nevj , @raymond :

Hi Neville and Raymond, :wave:

I was looking for DXAtlas in winehq:
WineHQ - Search Results .

Alas I couldn´t find anything related to GreyLine…
… just SSTV Tools and CW Skimmer.

Otherwise I would´ve have thought wine might be worth a try. :thinking:

Cheers from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


I use a web SDR to see what’s coming in at the moment. Here’s one I use:

It’s sunrise here and the web SDR is showing very few signals on 20, 15, or 10. I’ve learned from experience that if they don’t hear them, I don’t hear them. So not exactly a grey line app but it gets the job done.

   Don  KC6D

Thanks for the input Don, I know what you are saying but Gray line is a great visual display in the shack and a quick look tells you a lot, but having DXed for so many years it is just one of the tools we use, as you know. Thanks


Neville, I might reinstall a VM, it seems the only way I can get the program, my PC has all the requirements.


Have you looked at “Andy’s Ham Radio Linux” - KB1OIQ - Andy's Ham Radio Linux download |
At least according to Andy, who created the distro, it is a collection of every Ham related Linux program he could find and make work… He claims it’s the best collection of Linux / Ham software in existence, and he’s done presentations on it at some of the big ARRL conventions as an invited speaker… (He also ran a local Linux meetup group that I used to go to, which is how I know him, I’m not a Ham)



Hi Arthur, thanks for the info, I knew about Andy’s programs but I forgot about it, Thanks for reminding me I’ll look into it.

1 Like

I have successfully used DX Atlas in WINE for many years, and recommend it. Never had an issue.


Hi Mike, I used Wine in the past and had problems with it so I installed a VM and dropped Windows 7 in it works ok. All the best Mike.


It is also possible to run windows in a docker container

We tested this, it works. You can also run MacOS this way.