So glad there is now an OpenSuSE category

:smiley: One thing you should know about OpenSuSE: It is designed to appeal to EVERYBODY, from the newbie to the expert. With the GUI (Graphical User Interface) configuration tool called YAST, you can do most things using the GUI with a very few things that can be done only on the command line for the newbie, but you can do just about everything in the command line for the experts. With experience, you’ll find much advice is given in the command line format to make it as universal as possible meaning that there is uniqueness in many Desktop Environments (DE). I have tried 7 or 8 distros over the years, but I always came back to my first love, OpenSuSE. I am from the time when the u in SuSE was lower case.


Before it was called “OpenSuse” I was a “diehard” Suse Enterprise user and fanboy (installed it from a copy we had at work - you had to “buy” it) version 9 or 10 maybe?

It was my “goto” distro 2001-2004/5… Until I “accidentally” blundered into Ubuntu… It was a happy accident… VMware had just released (for free) its VMPlayer and an online marketplace to download virtual appliances…

One of those appliances was called “Browser Appliance” and it was quick and snappy and pretty much designed just to run Firefox… I was curious - what distro was it based on? Ubuntu!!!

Then I scored a bargain basement (i.e. not quite, but nearly, off the back of a truck) top of the line premium Toshiba laptop (their laptops are nearly all rubbish these days) with a lovely bronzey metallic chassis (no plastic!) and I booted Ubuntu off a CD on it - and EVERYTHING worked! Everything! Plug and play… WIFI! There were no hanging or orphaned devices (unlike with WinXP or Win2000 where you had to assemble a vast library of drivers)…

I’d actually tried Suse, on it - because I ran a “server/workstation” on a desktop PC running Suse (also ran an online forum on there for bikers) - but there was stuff that just didn’t work, or, I couldn’t be bothered figuring out 'cause Ubuntu just “worked” :smiley: …


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And isn’t that the actual desire of most of us? A distro that simply recognizes our hardware and simply WORKS? “Customization” is a euphemism for screwing around with command line tweaks until everything works.

Phooey on Arch.


It is 2024 and I am searching for the right distro which will work for me. I will not go for Ubuntu and Debian, MX, Rocky, Pop, Peppermint, Mint, Mint LMDE, Solus and Fedora - all Live OS. Every OS other than Fedora, failed to recognize USB 2 ports (we are discussing and trying to solve this in another thread, here: Cinelerra-gg AppImage doesn't show my mounted drives - #37 by nevj). Now I am going to try this OpenSuSE though I am not going to deploy a server but to use for my daily works. Anyone has used any video editing software in OpenSuSE?

Honestly - if you’ve tried all the Debian and Red Hat (Fedora) based distros - I doubt you’ll have any luck with OpenSUSE.

Have you tried any Arch or Arch based distros (like Manjaro or Garuda)?

It sounds like your USB2 issue is hardware or firmware (e.g. BIOS / UEFI)…


Dan, can you please post your valuable opinions in that thread? It will be very helpful as all opinions, findings, advices are there. If they all remain in one thread, it will be very helpful to find out solution together.