Switching init systems in Devuan

Yes you are right. I have used rc-update in Gentoo… looked it up … something like
rc-update add dhcpcd default

I guess I am going to have to relearn all this with Devuan, and then again when I do my new Gentoo install on the SSD. My Artix is S6… something more to learn

You can actually avoid using the init system to start things at boot time. Use cron instead

@reboot /path/to/script.sh 

The @reboot keyword in the cron job entry specifies that the script should be executed when the system starts up.

After adding the entry to your crontab, the script will run each time your user account logs in. It won’t affect other user accounts on the system.


Make sure that the script you want to run has the execute permission (chmod +x /path/to/script.sh)
and that the script itself does not have any dependencies on the graphical environment or user session, as cron jobs typically run in a non-graphical environment. 

This came from @Rosika


@Daniel_Phillips ,
I added stuff to last message, did you catch it?

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There are 2 types of crontab setlup

as superuser, edit the root crontab file using crontab -e
and add the line@reboot /path/to/mountscript.sh 

O.K. You surely tested it and it worked for you. I tested it as well and it didn´t.
After a reboot the changes were lost and I had to use the alternative:

 Neville Jackson:

alternative to using a root owned user crontab file is to use the system-wide
crontab file /etc/crontab
Edit this file with any editor and add the line@reboot root /path/to/mountscript.sh 

I can confirm the second way of do?.ing it worked well with me. Just wanted to mention it. 

That again comes fom a discussion with @Rosika
The system-wide crontab is better.


“Getting tired of W10, so why not something different.”
Took my Dell Inspiron laptop and cloned the HDD running W10 Home to a 500GB SDD yesterday, this morning I installed W11 Home. Left enough room to install Linux, if I need Linux, if I do it will more than likely be Debian 12.

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Hi Daniel Phillips,
I don’t want to start a discussion about the best distros, but if you’re thinking of using Debian 12 (bookworm) see if you like the Debian Testing release

Debian releases


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I tried Debian12 with LXQt. Nice simple DE.
Why not be brave and try Devuan5?


No Debian testing, just want the stable Debian version!!!

Devuan is just as stable as Debian… and you can have OpenRC like Gentoo.