Termux in Android ssh client fails

I have the new Termux from Fdroid in my Samsung tablet.
I can use ftp in Termux to connect to my PC
I can not use ssh in Termux to connect to my PC… ssh hostname
it says … Connection refused on port 22

I used the openssh package and I have openssh-tools installed
I know Termux uses port 8022, but that is for its server sshd. I only want the client, so I should not have to start the server daemon.
ssh -p 8022 hostname does not work either

Termux has no /etc/services file, and there is no config file in ~/ssh.

Is it maybe dns that is not working? But it works for ftp… I can do ftp hostname?

What do I need to configure?

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Do you have a ~/.ssh/ folder? (never mind see below)

I do - but I don’t try and configure that in the TermUX shell… i.e. I hate using the wonky onscreen keyboard to do ANYTHING…

I enable sshd (simply “sshd”) then remote from another machine, into my Galaxy S9+…

I have a config file in there too… But I just “include” a subfile just for Android

I can’t ping stuff on my network by name - i.e. no internal DNS. Avahi doesn’t seem to work either…

My ~/.ssh/config, that works everywhere else (MacOS, FreeBSD, Linux on x86_64 and armhf / aarch64) doesn’t “work” in TermUX - mainly 'cause Avahi (AKA “zeroconf” and “bonjour”) doesn’t seem to be supported in TermUX / Android…

It does sound odd that FTP works, by hostname, but not ssh…

I can’t edit my /etc/hosts file in Android… So I have to use IP addresses… But I have nicknames set in my SSH config :

╭─u0_a440@localhost ~/.ssh  
╰─➤  uname -a                                                                                                                                   
Linux localhost 4.9.118-23733710 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 21 17:52:31 KST 2022 aarch64 Android
╭─u0_a440@localhost ~/.ssh  
╰─➤  cat config
Host    *
        ServerAliveInterval     300
        ServerAliveCountMax     2
	User	x

	# Include ~/bin/configs/home
	# Include ~/bin/configs/horizon
	# Include ~/bin/configs/mrwa
	#Include ~/bin/configs/eni
	# Include ~/bin/configs/homeo
Include ~/.ssh/homeo

~/.ssh/homeo :

On my TermUX - I can’t FTP by name to my NAS (the only thing on my network that listens on port 21) - but I can FTP to its IP address…

OK - question answered… Can you make it? Where does it save known_hosts to? Folder just needs 0700… all files in it should be 0600…

Hmm - shouldn’t that be ~/.ssh (not ~/ssh)?

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Yes I have ~/.ssh. There are 3 files in it , but no config file

I can
ping trinity
ftp trinity
but not
ssh trinity

    and there is no config file in ~/ssh.

OK - question answered… Can you make it? Where does it save known_hosts to? Folder just needs 0700… all files in it should be 0600…

Hmm - shouldn’t that be ~/.ssh (not ~/ssh)?

Yes .ssh, my typo
I have 0700 for ~/.ssh
0600 for its contents
but there is no known-hosts and no config in ~/.ssh
the files are

I made an empty config file … no difference.

My /etc/hosts is there in Android… all it contains is localhost

If I try to start ‘sshd’ I get

sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiitng

I dont need sshd , but there is something wrong there too.

That is the clue
The problem was in the PC
had ListenAddress set to my local net.
That disables all other sources… such as my modem’s wifi net.
Have to be careful with username… Termux defaults to u0_a304 which does not exist in the PC
It now has a known_hosts file .

That is not quite the full story. I then changed the PC from Void to MX, and the ssh from Android failed. This time it was because MX had ufw enabled. I had to allow port 22 for it to work .

Then when I move the PC back to Void, it fails… the key for trinity is wrong. I have to delete known_hosts for it to work again.

ssh is hopeless in a multiboot environment.