The efivar question

are these from your computer or when you have booted into the installation dvd?

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@01101111 These are from this computer and after 12 noon today. I installed LM19 Mate on 20th Nov.,2019 and today is 22nd here( take into account International date line). If you like to I can make the whole exercise again now.


no need to make anything again. the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th (thank you for indulging me and making multiply sure) screenshots all show that you are operating in uefi mode :slight_smile:

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Dear@Cordx Will the post reach @Tech_JA ? I want him to know. He was very anxious to have my faulty efi partition to set right and cautioned several times that in attempting to set it right I might have to make clean install again and actually that happened.
Now for the question _“I cannot enter into my BIOS” – will it be a separate thread?

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so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! :rocket::fireworks::rocket:

yes, when you @ someone they get a notification just like you will get one when i @ubhat you here :slight_smile:

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dear @ubhat,
I’m here :wink:
Do you see the list of grub items when trying to run LM?
If you see it, could you please indicate to us what is the last item?

i missed this question in my last reply. it should definitely be a separate thread. it would be helpful to provide your computer make and model along with what motherboard and uefi/bios information you have to possible get a quicker answer since systems can vary so much.

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one last mini lesson since this all appears to be wrapping up:

you are correct and i appreciate that you were careful and conscientious enough to look back over your past work to find the error. there is no space between /sys/firmware and /efi in that command. the reason is that /efi is a directory inside of the /sys/firmware directory just like /firmware is a directory inside of /sys. if there is a space between them, bash interprets them as two separate directories instead of one inside of the other. that’s why you got the error message and the statement was (mis)interpreted as BIOS :slight_smile:

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@01101111 & @Tech_JA & @Akito @abhishek ,
Mission Accomplished as well as a battle is won. Yes I see grub menu each time after POST. Appending a pict for @Tech_JA who is also a lucky star for me. As soon as I received his question for GRUB Menu I could Enter the Bios and take a shot of the BIOS in my mobile. They are given below.



@Tech_JA , Sorry I did not notice your question very attentively. You wanted the last line. There are three lines in the Menu. (!) Linux Mint 19.2 Mate
(2) Advanced Options for Linux Mint Mate
(3) System Set Up

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Dear @ubhat,
I’m glad you solved your problem
I don’t know why but sometimes I cannot enter in BIOS/UEFI menu too so I enter via grub choosing your item n° 3 - " System Set Up"

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@Tech_JA Thanks a lot. without your help it would have been impossible to solve this problem by me alone. I got tremendous impetus from you. The photographs I shot were very unclear at least the 1st pict of BIOS. Do you like to have a clear one if yes I shall send it tomorrow.
I shall try to enter Bios with item 3. But the entire menu is stiff selection by down arrow not possible.
@01101111 I shall try to fiddle with BIOS settings and see whether default setting like enabling CMS allows me to boot in Efi mode.
will you please allow me to keep this thread open for a few more days?

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i enable cms when i need to boot into a usb (clonezilla) that i wrote in legacy mode and sometimes forget to switch back to uefi only before rebooting into my regular linux distro (bodhi). having cms enabled doesn’t stop my machine from booting into uefi so hopefully it won’t do so with yours either.

as far as i can tell, trying to make sure csm is definitely disabled while installing a new system is a way to try and ensure that system installs as uefi instead of legacy.

i don’t believe the system here (and i’ve never done so personally) locks threads after they have been solved or the main discussion has ended just in case someone with a similar issue comes along in the future and wants to add some thoughts.

that being said, since your main issue has been solved it seems to me like it would be a good idea to move any further discussion (especially if it is of related to uefi/bios settings) to another thread. as one of the ideas community discussions is to get people involved (it is less likely that someone new to the thread or community would read through all 72 posts to try and get an idea of what is going on here) and try as best as possible to keep comments on topic, now is a good time to start something new :slight_smile:

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Dear @ubhat,
You don’t need to take another photo.
You mentioned what options you have in grub and I already answered how to enter in BIOS/UEFI MENU through grub, choosing the 3 - System Setup :wink:

@01101111 and @Tech_JA :: Well thanks to all of you.


In theory, CMS is there for “convenient” switching. The problem with this type of convenience is that it is more a gamble. You can never be sure you booted the way you wished to, except your see an error message when booting or you check the EFI directories after installation, in the worst case. Therefore I always recommend not using CMS as this is only good if you really don’t care either way.

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@Akito & @01101111 I found efi booting does not depend on CMS as observed by @01101111. But for Legacy I have to change 1st boot order.