This website may not be the place for this (Free Speech and Censorship)


Okay. But I disagree with you, by allowing this subject to hijack the usual community purpose. Of impartial Linux advice, to include mutual intellectual masturbation. No doubt their next favourite topic, will be what gun do you own, and how many.

Please delete my account, if I wanted to listen this sort of dross I would have retained my FaecesBook account.


Nothing is being hijacked in the slightest, I don’t know where you are getting this from.

Well, I wish you would’ve bet 1000 bucks on it, because I’d appreciate the money. Neither do I own a gun nor do I know how to use one. I know where this prejudice is coming from. Are you assuming we are and/or I am a Republican? To Republicans I would be the worst communist they have ever seen, in their opinion. I am surprised you would perceive the situation like that.

Now the biggest irony:
Do you assume that everyone defending free speech has to be on the “right”? Because that would be absolutely terrible if the image of the “left” has gone down the drain like that.

No. And if you think this is dross, then you don’t have to “listen” to it, because nobody is saying anything. We are typing and whoever wants to read can read along. You don’t have to.
Besides, you can’t request people to always type what pleases every single person in the community, because that would not only be utterly boring, but also impossible, as humans tend to differ a lot.

I am surprised of your reaction, very much.


I partially know why people nowadays are behaving very strangely, but I will never understand it from a personal view. I would literally kill myself if everyone would agree with me, smiling and doing nothing but being “nice”, as they say it. After all this trouble and support of censorship I am thinking of opening my own forum where everyone gets to speak what they want, with the exception of calling to violence. I just can’t handle the boredom I experience when nobody disagrees. I have to debate, discuss and debunk to be engaged and feel challenged. Right now, too many people here support the opposite. No challenge. No debate. “Just be nice.”

It’s becoming too much.

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Whatever, please delete my account, not interested in dross.


No. You are a valuable member of this community and I won’t remove such member. Especially not in a rage of emotions, where decision-making has the worst place in this situation.

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The kids are gone. The parents have to live with that, sad to say. But this is the first I heard that Alex Jones was the reason for the rampage. If he was, the responsibility still resides with the shooter because the shooter didn’t have to listen to Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones didn’t brainwash the shooter. It’d take intimate contact to brainwash someone with plays of control.

Who is going to protect the parents of dead Sandy Hook kids from the violent thugs inspired by Alex Jones? That to me goes WAY over abstract notions of free speech into criminal incitement. That, too, you find worthy of protection?

Alex Jones may have been ONE of the factors fed into what the shooter thought and felt the day of the shooting. But I doubt he was the sole contributor. My guess is bullying played a big role. It’s complicated and hanging one man seems like not enough or maybe just not the right thing to do. Since it is complicated, there are probably several parts to the whole solution.

The parents of the dead kids have been dealt a devastating blow. I grieve with them.

Some investigation into the dead kids’ lives might show that some of them had a part in the shooter’s mind set that day, we just don’t know until we investigate. Is that investigation being done? I don’t know. I do know that we have to exhaust the supply of evidence in cases like these to determine all the factors that lead to that day. Until we get the whole (and I mean WHOLE) picture, we will be shooting in the dark.

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The government did not get the whole picture. So the government did tell the parents why the shooting happened. So they blame the first person suspected. Cliff, Alex Jones may be one who continually speaks offensive speech, BUT that fact is NOT enough to hang someone like him.

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What about the bulk of instances where regular people online block just because the disagree creating polarized groups?

Yes the trolls are a big problem, but the bulk of blocking happens everyday to people who DON"T deserve to be blocked. The god right to block needs to be taken away to eliminate Tribalism. And Tribalism IS bigger than troll hammering, but NOBODY sees it.

EDITED: Oh you mean, the god right to block is NOT there in LTT and others platforms?

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This somewhat overlaps into the realm of online harassment. If someone is being harassed by someone else on facebook, for example, people should have the right and the ability to block the offender, IMO.

On LTT, members have the ability to “ignore” other members, which hides their posts from being seen by the person(s) who chose to ignore them. Their posts can still be seen by everyone else. However, on LTT we do encourage members to report any abusive behavior so that the mod team can deal with it accordingly.

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@TrekJunky This reminds me of chain-blocking on Twitter etc. One of the special snowflakes even requested this feature for YouTube. I think they should open their own website where everyone can create their own echo chamber. Oh wait, there is already such a website. It’s called Facebook.

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I have seen tons of people who critize religion or certain politics being called “trolls” for expressing unpopular opinions about mentioned topics.

We need to reiterate the definition of Troll. Troll (slang) - Wikipedia

In [Internet slang] a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive messages in an online community such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

Throwing around a word correctly will help alleviate misunderstandings. People should use “irritant” instead of “troll” in most cases.


As I suspected, this topic has become a North American centric debating society on how your Constitution, should work or evolve.

I did put in the subject “This website may not be the place for this”, didn’t I?

I for one would love to hear what it is like in your country? Is it better or worse? We are discussing how free speech is deteriorating in the USA and that free speech is very precious. We can’t lose it without a huge fight.

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I can see how some can be interpreted that way, and it also depends on how the person is conducting themselves in doing so. But that’s why we have moderation teams (on LTT anyways) where we often converse with each other to determine if someone is in fact trolling or not. There’s a difference between trolling and merely expressing an unpopular opinion and I agree, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two, depending on the views of the moderating body.

Collectively, people online are in a huge spectrum of moods and their mood may come off in the interaction with others. I know when I’m pissed, people know it right off. I would hate to be called a Troll just because it will take $1000 to fix my car.

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There’s a difference between trolling and merely expressing an unpopular opinion and I agree, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two, depending on the views of the moderating body.

I recommend that most, if not all, online platforms be declared public places, so we can throw public money at the moderators who would receive training on free speech, censorship, and maybe some of the applicable parts of social science. We could decide what training scientifically. We need to remove the god right to block from the public. It would go a very long way to eliminate Tribalism.

I don’t understand, if someone pisses in ONE side of the lake, you feel the whole lake is polluted? Why can’t we have a little corner to discuss important issues of the day? Are you afraid our discussions will pollute the whole website?

After all this trouble and support of censorship I am thinking of opening my own forum where everyone gets to speak what they want, with the exception of calling to violence.

I hope you don’t spread yourself too thin. But if you do start a forum, I would very much like to see what you come up with…

We will see how it goes and how the atmosphere will develop within this forum in the next period of time.

On LTT, members have the ability to “ignore” other members, which hides their posts from being seen by the person(s) who chose to ignore them. Their posts can still be seen by everyone else.

That’s terrific! That’s much better than taking the god right of blocking away. I would love to see this platform called LTT! What does LTT stand for?

Linus Tech Tips


Thanks, Akito. I’m going to check it out right now.