Wasn’t he like 1000 years after the nativity?
Yes, 1200 years
I think what @Manuel_Jordan was referring to is the story that the nativity scene as we represent it today was created by St Francis
The original event was probably quite different… for example the stable was most likely a cave, not a building as it is now represented.
Catholic tradition does not alter the important facts, but it does improve their presentation. Tradition is considered to be as important as scripture in establishing the truth.
Neville. Peace be with you and all your family
Yes. It is correct.
As a friendly suggestion to all: if you can read a book about his biography, do it. Really it is valuable
“Saint Francis of Assisi” by GK Chesterton
Neville – Thank you for that thoughtful and VERY well-written Christmas piece. I’ll count that as one of my Christmas presents! And thank you also for all the support you give to Linux users throughout the year.
–Jim K
It was nice to receive that Jim.
All the best for Christmas and New Year
Thanks for the suggestion. I have this one:
Gold …
I found an example
The ancient Egyptians noted that the star Sirius appeared on the easterm horizon at sunrise, just before the Nile flood
They created a Myth to explain it. A myth is scientific explanation created using ones imagination.
Of course the Egyptians did not know the real cause… the earths tilt and spin and its motion around the sun determine the seasons, and also determine our view of the stars.
BTW… those star maps are upside down for Australia… we see Orion standing on his head and Sirius is to the right of Orion in our sky.
Stars were indeed treated as messengers.
No offence taken.
It is actually rather clever to be able to see something other than the customary perception.
Shadows and siloettes can be deceptive.
Plato thought that our whole world was like a shadow, and there was something else more real behind it.
There is a whole art form around what others see in images, with not just shadows but colour, some suggest for testing intelligence or interpretation of what you see first.
Anticipating the ~2500 year later theory we could all be living in a simulation… I don’t understand it - but apparently it’s a rational theory, not necessarily crackpot…
I dont think we can see what we are living in, because we are inside it. The inside view is always deficient. Yes it could be a simulation… we have no trick to obtain an outside view.
. “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Carl Jung
Reminds me of M C Escher’s woodcut “Angels and Demons”
It has a secondary mathematical meaning to do with hyperbolic spaces.
What you are looking at is a planar projection of a repeating pattern on a hyperbolic surface. How did he do that in the early 1900’s ?
Esther’s work is wonderful !
That “Day and Night” drawing is amazing in the way it makes foreground and background equally prominent.