Thoughts on meaning of Star of Bethlehem

Thoughts on meaning of Star of Bethlehem

We all know the story of the Three Wise Men following a ‘star’ to Bethlehem,

have we ever stopped to ask why anyone would look to a ‘star’ for guidance?
The answer lies in the world outlook and customs of people in the Ancient World.
I consulted my book …

Yes it is battered… 1967 edition.
It seems the Israelites, and Greeks, and Romans, and probably many before them,
saw natural events as messages…
in much the same way as we today might view a roadsign or a computer popup message.
Natural events were like computer interrupts … " stop what you are doing and attend to something else"

So following our Star of Bethlehem would not have been an outlandish thing for
our Three Wise Men to undertake. They were , after all, Astrologers. They believed events in the heavens could influence our life on Earth. The story would have been accepted in 1AD without a second thought., and it infiltrated out literature for centuries after

We have inherited this idea of ‘signs’. It is part of our legacy from the Ancient world.
Our ‘signs’ today are based on the things we believe in today
… measurements predicting climate events, computer error messages telling us to stop and correct something. We also have a legacy of treating stars as symbols of hope and guidance.

Some may say that our ‘signs’ are correct, while the natural ‘signs’ used by the Ancients were misconceived. That is a harsh judgement, and it is not my point. My point is that use of signs is a universal human attribute. We all understand the following

because the signs used are part of today’s culture.

There is , of course, the special Christian interpretation of the Star of Bethlehem as a supernatural event, and a message about an even greater supernatural event. I shall leave that for you to contemplate. Whether our ‘star’ represents divine guidance is an open question, but it definitely represents guidance.

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who has contributed to this forum and to wish you all Peace and Happiness for the Holy Season.



Season’s Greetings to all.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Sheila Flanagan


Love Chesterton. And thank you for all of your help in so many topics!

Merry Christmas



Thank You and Merry Christmas!!!


He had an amazing ability to write a paradoxical sentence with a hidden meaning.
I wish I could do it half as well.

“Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.” GKC


Sorry - couldn’t resist - my favourite nativity with the star :

Because it looks like two theropods (e.g. tyrannosaurs) looking over a table saw :smiley: (and I’m an atheist, I believe in dinosaurs, but not fanciful stories from the abrahamic religions :smiley: - no offence).

I still enjoy the holiday season and xmas dinner and giving receiving presents…

Above inspired me to create this Jurassic Park themed wallpaper :


I wonder why the star is always eight pointed?

Myths are an attempt to explain the world by exercising the imagination


In the beginning, the most devious concocted the most imaginative stories about who and what was outside the light of the campfire. From that exercise in ‘influencing’ derive all systems of religion. Humans invented gods.

I prefer to share all holidays and holiday food with whoever is serving at the moment. Happy Holidays!


They invented stories. Its called Mythology. Nothing to do with religious beliefs.

Let me explain:
Mythology ( and science) are about explaining the world
Religion is about the state of man, and ( in some cases) what we may be able to do about it.

So Mythology is really a progenitor of Science, not Religion.

The Christmas story is centred on humanity … the poor homeless family, the birth , and the evil of Herod. The scientists ( wise men) and the mythologists (shepherds) are there too, but in the background. The animals (sheep and donkeys) are a mystery to me. The Star represents guidance.


Thanks for sharing the info

Enjoy your christmas


Thank you @nevj for this!

I whish here everyone peaceful blessed Christmas!

Would like to add another song performed by Mariah Carey again, which I feel way much closer to my heart:

Merry Christmas to everyone!


Thank you Laszlo. The traditional Christmas hymns do express the Christmas message better than any words.
Best Wishes


A distinction without a difference. Happy Holidays anyway!


@nevj and all, :wave:

Thank you very much, Neville. :heart:

I wish the same to you and your family. :christmas_tree:

May I also take this opportunity to thank you and indeed all of you nice and friendly - and indeed helpful - forum members for all the help I could get from you.
It´s highly appreciated and surely not a matter of course.

I wish you all and your families a happy Holiday Season wherever you may be.
All the happiness and health you can get shall reside with you in the coming year. :kissing_closed_eyes:

Many seasonal greetings from Rosika :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Bill.
The nature of man is a huge topic… way beyond the nature of the world.

" . The primary paradox that man is superior to all the things around him and yet is at their mercy " GKC


“And so, as Tiny Tim said, 'A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, everyone!”
From A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

Glad to be a part of this forum where there are friendly and helpful people.


Just wait for the christmas members party, free bar, food, and a present from santa. But only if you have been a good boy.


Merry Christmas to all

A friendly forum, I am happy to had reached this network

The celebration of the nativity: it about to make/put the cradle with baby Jesus, Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph was done by Saint Francis of Assisi

Peace and Well


Well said.
Peace be with you, Manuel