Three Distro SSD

I don’t have to dual boot - I’m fortunate to have a whole bunch of devices to install sole boot os’s on (and most of them are SSD too) - I tried Mint XFCE recently, and previously “eLive” (could a distrbution be filled of more nagware??? their neediness turned me right off - given the amount of glitches - who’d pay for nagware with extra glitchware?) … was looking for a 32 bit distro for my Samsung N150 Atom netbook…

I like the look of that mate desktop - so I might revisit Mint Mate :smiley: on the netbook - thanks!

My recomendation about eLive : avoid it like there’s a pandemic… good luck to them - but constantly nagging during a bug ridden installation for $$$ on a half-arsed unready platform that feels like pre-Alpha? GTFOOH!