Tools for posting in Linux?

Hello friends

According with your own experience, if you have the intention to write a set of posts, reviews about anything, music, toys, gaming, programming etc. If you want “all the power” in your hands to apply settings to get a good look/design

What tools do you have in mind to accomplish that goal and in Linux?

For a “global” way would be considered

Thus I am assuming that something would be there in Linux to be considered and worth to be learn

Of course about editors, visual studio code has sense. but perhaps you have other and better suggestions too.

Thanks for your understanding

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I have not used Jekyll. There is a similar static site generator called Hugo that I have barely used and seemed fine to me.


Good to see and read about alternative site development tools that are not just wordpress and the same format every time.

Yes I use wordpress because tomorrow I can hand over the site to a novice and get them productive within an hour.

These tools require a little more thought and work, which seperates them.

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I have never tried a web page.
It says Jekyl accepts markdown or html, but does not mention Tek or pdf?
Github pages uses Jekyl

Interesting, give it a try.
I wonder could itsFOSS use it?.. Static means it gets out of date and you cant update it.?

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Hugo seems to be able to make a site from a single .md file in a Linux computer.
All it needs installed apart from hugo is git.
It is cli.

I wonder about massive proliferation of websites with this type of approach?
One website one document seems a bit excessive.

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You could make several documents with links between them, I’m sure. I haven’t used it very much. Just a typical walkthrough.

The main advantage is that it isn’t running any program or script on the backend. It’s just a static page. It’s very fast and it’s very secure. There is nothing there to exploit.

WordPress has a bad security track record because there are tons of plugins and not all of them are well written. It’s super popular for hosting and so it’s also super popular to try and exploit. You have to keep up with the latest releases and patches and plugins.

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Thanks, this is a total new area for me.
Only things I ever posted were in a Github repo or here.