Translation tools in wordpress

Ok not linux related, but pulling on your wordpress knowledge.

I am doing a website for our association in wordpress everything works but being able to offer it in other languages. Yes if the user has the google translate api switched on it offers to translate the page.

But i wanted a widget on the menu bar allowing selection of language, mainly for the membership page as we get members from germany, spain and the uk who want to join but claim they don’t understand questions in french …
so when the site asks for nom or email they dont know how to answer…
perhaps i am feeding a baby

Anyone using wordpress with a FREE solution

If not then will just write 3 more pages in each language

Thanks in advanced

As one who is repelled by the French language in general, I find this to be an insulting assumption. I don’t care about wordpress, but I do sense a bias in your statement. Around here, one can assume that Spanish is as likely to be understood nearly as well as English, but certainly not French.

I’ve always thought better of you, Paul.

Sorry to disappoint you, perhaps i miss in the explication.

It mainly english and german who arrive at our reception and when presented with the membership form claim they dont understand so just talk loudly and our poor girl has to pacify and then do the form for them.

I dont have any problems with language myself after 19 years here get most of the conversations, but still struggle with my french wife who thinks i understand everything she says and talks fast at me. She forgets men have selective deafness… “oui chérie” only gets you by for so long especially when the question is a choice between one or another.

Without a free solution now i am rewriting our membership forms in english, french and german on seperate pages to stop confusion. The few other countries we accomodate will just have to ask for help.

I may have been too harsh, but remember that our participants are global. Our Aussie members may have the same problems with French that I do–after all, it’s only spoken in France, a few Caribbean islands, and a tiny part of Canada.

And, yes, I feel your pain. “Yes, dear” were the two words my dad told me to never forget, but they only get you so far. Loud-talking boors can be a real problem and your solution makes sense and should relieve your poor girl a bit. Loud-talking boors exist in all cultures, worldwide.

when getting married you get a book
on page one it says
your wife is always right
on page two it says
if in doubt she is still right
on page three it says
if still in doubt refer to page one.

page 4 most important words to learn … I am Sorry, I was Wrong … 3 little words all want to hear

Je suis désolé, j’avais tort,

old joke …

when I last got married the ceremony was performed by our village mayor, which is normal in France.
He was a personal friend as well as being the mayor, so the day before the wedding I got the book ( livret de famille) he was going to give us and inserted post it notes on the first few pages and explained to him what it was and the joke which he read out during the wedding much to everyone’s amusement.

To quote Churchill The french would be ok if they were not so demanding
the language is changed just to confuse people like me who think they understand

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