Tried a search for Firefox tips with ItsFoss included - page not found

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–It’s FOSS

Was it this maybe

or this

Where did the link come from, it does not exist?

Wanted to help ItsFoss in number of search results.

So, typed “Firefox tips ItsFoss” in DDG and that was the page that came first in line.

Didn’t know where to post to let y’all know.

Had found good tips from another site, but wanted to see if there was similar here.

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I repeated what you did in ddg… it found this first

the second item was


Clicked on that first link “Firefox Tips and Tricks” and the first link (all Firefox tips) in the related page does this:


Correct, I double checked.
We had better inform @abhishek

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@abhishek - can’t be easy to maintain a website + forum + newsletter +



Thanks for reporting.

I can still visit the Firefox Tips and Tricks link

Although this page needs to be revamped.