It appears that lenovo did the setting in the bios to prevent changes to the operating system down the line. Not sure how windows 10 the original version shipped with it was upgraded to 11 when i saw it, how did that bypass the rst lock.
Same client has 2 lenovos one i have fixed with lmde. The other is still to do and checked the bios its set the same but a totally diferent model number for the computer.
This new lenovo is slightly old and still on 10, unable to upgrade it tells me, not a problem for lmde, but the screen is faulty, half pink half normal. I know its not a graphhics issue as external screen works fine. Its not a setting as tried lmde same problem.
New screen called for but at 80 euros not sure its worth the investment, her decission. Only used in home at a desk, so my gut feeling is use an external screen. Much cheaper.