Video nasty (1, 2, 3, 4....15) | Ugly glitching on both MPV and VLC during playback

The topic is an allusion to an episode of The Young Ones :

Anyway - been noticing some ugly glitching in both MPV and VLC when watching downloaded content on my Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 on AMD CPU and AMD GPU) desktop - sort of ugly yellow / green glitchy pixelization in the top left corner that sometimes takes over all the way into the centre of the video content.

The same video “content” when played inside a web-browser - e.g. on AppleTV on a Linux (the same Linux) doesn’t happen.

I put it down to something shonky with the content (i.e. the downloaded video file) - BUT I WAS WRONG!

video nastiness on Linux (in MPV) :

The SAME video, at the SAME time in MPV on MacOS :

So I reckon it’s something to do with my GPU, my drivers or something…

Notice also - mpv runs SO MUCH BETTER on MacOS than Linux…

It’s almost like MPV was made for MacOS - it’s just some kinda front end for ffmpeg - so it’s more UNIX than anything Apple related…

I love the way, on MacOS MPV doesn’t use up valuable screen real estate with at titlebar during playback…

If I make any progress getting Fedora 37 on my Thinkpad over the weekend - I’m going to see if this happens there too…

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Because the browser has a better codec
Same goes for Apple… their codecs will always win


You idiot (me) - go home - you’re drunk!

I assumed 'cause it was happening in VLC and MPV on Linux, but not in MPV on MacOS - it was 100% a Linux issue (it still kinda/sorta semi points at Linux) : I just tried playing the same content (it’s a 2016 documentary about Yellowstone national park) in Celluloid and NO glitchy artifacts!


Celluloid bills itself as “A GTK front end for MPV”!

So - maybe Celluloid will be my fallback (it doesn’t happen in ALL videos) if it happens in MPV? It is odd because surely Celluloid, and “mpv” (direct) would surely be using the same codecs anyway…


One of the reasons I’m doing this - is - even though I have access to Apple TV and Amazon Prime - they’re SHIT in a web-browser on a computer - 'cause even when you nudge the mouse just a tiny bit - “or hover” - the player PLONKS video controls in the MIDDLE over the TOP of the content! And Amazon is even worse it pops up shitty ad thingie overlays on the left ON TOP OF THE CONTENT I’m watching…

This doesn’t happen in Stan, Netflix, or “free” Australian services like SBS On Demand or ABC iView…

So - I download them! The SHONKINESS of the vendor’s “product” is a disincentive NOT to pirate content!



Fedora 37 on this Thinkpad E495 : BOTH “mpv” and “Celluloid” crash on mp4 files!

So I can’t compare to Ubuntu 22.04… So much for that…

Then I think - maybe ffpmeg’s not installed - so I try to install it with dnf - no go, doesn’t know what it even is… piece of crap… then I try to see if there’s a binary for ffmpeg in Fedora 37 - and - sure enough, it’s there. installed but f–k knows what package name it came from - oh well…

I’m not going to spend a huge amount of time trying to figure out why mpv and celluloid both crash… Don’t plan on using this thing to watch videos…

Hmmm - out of the box Fedora is pretty crappy - like during the installer it asked if I want to install rpmfusion - and I said yes, BUT THE ONLY bits of rpmfusion it installed were NVidia drivers and Steam! There’s a whole bunch of other stuff I need to install via yet MORE RPMFusion repos just to get H265 playback support…

Like - all this work, to get to the point that Ubuntu does “out of the box” without having to fuck around? Some people might like fucking around with shit like this - not me - I just want the fastest point I can get to to have a decent modern UX and applications :

  1. chromium based web browser (probably all 3 of Chrome, Brave3 and Edge)
  2. GPU acceleration
  3. bash or zsh shell and a terminal with an SSH client
  4. steam gaming
  5. watching videos and playing music…

That’s all I want, or all I need… This is why I like, and use, MacOS…

Further research on what I need JUST so I can watch a fucking video file :

Get all of RPMFusion by downloading an RPM file :

Then this bullshit :
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm && sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin && sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video
(that’s one single FUCKING command!)

And guess what? That doesn’t fucking work anyway, so I tried it with --skip-broken and that’s fucked too :

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm && sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin && sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video --skip-broken
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:06 ago on Sun 20 Nov 2022 20:35:39.
rpmfusion-free-release-37.noarch.rpm                                                                    5.8 kB/s |  11 kB     00:01    
rpmfusion-nonfree-release-37.noarch.rpm                                                                 6.6 kB/s |  11 kB     00:01    
Package rpmfusion-free-release-37-1.noarch is already installed.
Package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-37-1.noarch is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:11 ago on Sun 20 Nov 2022 20:35:39.
No match for group package "PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin"
No match for group package "gstreamer1-libav"
 Problem 1: problem with installed package ffmpeg-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-5.1.2-3.fc37.x86_64 conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - conflicting requests
 Problem 2: problem with installed package firefox-106.0.4-1.fc37.x86_64
  - conflicting requests
  - package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.fc37.i686 conflicts with libavcodec-free provided by libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.fc37.x86_64 conflicts with libavcodec-free provided by libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - problem with installed package libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)
[x@fenrir ~]$ sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm && sudo dnf groupupdate multimedia --setop="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin && sudo dnf groupupdate sound-and-video --skip-broken
Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:37 ago on Sun 20 Nov 2022 20:35:39.
rpmfusion-free-release-37.noarch.rpm                                                                    5.1 kB/s |  11 kB     00:02    
rpmfusion-nonfree-release-37.noarch.rpm                                                                 6.6 kB/s |  11 kB     00:01    
Package rpmfusion-free-release-37-1.noarch is already installed.
Package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-37-1.noarch is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:43 ago on Sun 20 Nov 2022 20:35:39.
No match for group package "PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin"
No match for group package "gstreamer1-libav"
 Problem 1: problem with installed package ffmpeg-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-5.1.2-3.fc37.x86_64 conflicts with ffmpeg-free provided by ffmpeg-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - conflicting requests
 Problem 2: problem with installed package firefox-106.0.4-1.fc37.x86_64
  - conflicting requests
  - package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.fc37.i686 conflicts with libavcodec-free provided by libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - package ffmpeg-libs-5.1.2-3.fc37.x86_64 conflicts with libavcodec-free provided by libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
  - problem with installed package libavcodec-free-5.1.2-1.fc37.x86_64
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages or '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

And no - I don’t want any help sorting this shit - I reckon I’ll go Ubuntu 22.10 instead!

At least I can compare Apples to Pears (comparing Ubuntu to Fedora is more like Apples to Oranges) i.e. see if those ugly artifacts happen on Ubuntu 22.10…


There really is no Linux that can do all of that perfectly. Video stuff is the biggest weakness in Linux. Ubuntu is at least making an effort.

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The jury’s back in…

No Glitch in mpv on Ubuntu 22.10 on Thinkpad E495 (MPV - AND - Celluloid both CRASHED on Fedora 37).

BOTH are using the opensource AMD drivers

  1. Ryzen 7 desktop machine on 22.04 with 32 GB DDR4 (high speed) RAM using a dedicated AMD Radeon PCIe GPU - a “not cheap” gaming level GPU - with 8 GB of DDR5 VideoRAM
  2. Ryzen 5 laptop (thinkpad) on 22.10 with 16 GB of DDR (lower speed 2133) RAM using an AMD APU / GPU with shared VideoRAM.

Glitch doesn’t happen on the lower spec’d Thinkpad, but does happen on the higher spec’d desktop tower machine…

Note also : NEITHER of my Linux machines are using Wayland, because that PIECE of CRAP Synergy (which I NEED as I have upto 5 computers on my desk!) won’t run on Wayland…

I didn’t have to do ANYTHING special to get stuff installed on Ubuntu 22.10 - unlike the contortions that Fedora make their users undertake just to get some certain shit installed… WTF?

Thanks Canonical!

Famous last words : NO MORE DISTROHOPPING pour moi!

So much for the idea of trying Fedora 37 on either of my Pi4 boards! Bugger that for a joke!

BTW - I’m now a HUGE fan of mpv - my favourite Video player - lovely and small and minimal - no frills… Also easy to launch from the shell, or a shell script (like connecting to TVHeadend I have on a Pi3) - I love the way it ALWAYS maintains the aspect ration of the video, e.g. if I drag / resize the mpv window from the left window border, it also adusts the vertical size… I can single click ANYWHERE on the window (e.g. on the content being played) and move it around (e.g. from one screen to another)… But if / when I hit that ugly glitchy artifacts in playback, I just fire up celluloid (I’d still rather use mpv!).

Shellscript to watch my TVHeadend free to air TV :

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# watch TV @ telesto
# updated to run from MacOS too : 
OS=$(uname -s)
case $OS in
		# /usr/bin/vlc http://telesto.local:9981/playlist/channels &
		/usr/bin/mpv http://telesto.local:9981/playlist/channels &
		# MacOS
		/opt/homebrew/bin/mpv http://telesto.local:9981/playlist/channels &
		# /Applications/ http://telesto.local:9981/playlist/channels &
		# sumthin else
		echo "don't that shit here, here, not run, that shit..."

Use Kodi. It plays every video.

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Awakening this thread from the dead - to sing the praises of mpv, again…

I use MPV for :

  • watching free to air broadcasts (streamed from my Pi3 running TVHeadend) *
  • watch 2 x IP camera feeds via RTSP
    and now :
  • the peregrine falcons at 367 Colins St Melbourne - they’re almost fully fledged - but haven’t yet taken wing :

There’s also a “nest box” in Orange NSW (Charles Sturt Uni) with a pair of peregrine falcons and 2 nestlings (they’re less mature than the Melbourne triplets) : Live streams - FalconCam Project (it has 4 feeds - Collins St only has 2).

I don’t want it full screen, but I also don’t want all those youtube and browser widgets taking up real estate - this is what I love about mpv - it just plays the content!

This launches the North Facing feed :
mpv --mute=yes

I should probably put a “&” at the end of that…

* note : I haven’t been watching TVHeadEnd (normally on ABC news) - because I find the US election results too “upsetting”… that’s all I’m gonna say…


They are on our place. Roost in the shearing shed.
I dont have a webcam though.
May have some still shots.


Not necessarily.
On my system I can configure mpv

cat /etc/mpv/mpv.conf 

Whereas in Celluloid under “settings” there’s a “misc” page, where you can set “extra mpv settings”.
Here you can define codecs (hardware codecs) to use.

While playing, you can press “i” (information?) and both mpv and Celluloid display an overlay with technical details.

Compare that output for the glitchy and the correct playing.
They may be different (hw decode used, vs. software only decode used).

Edit: I’ve seen before similar glitches using VLC with vaapi decoding, when playing back movie from a slower network share.


I was wrong, ours are Kestrels

Smaller than the Peregrine Falcon.


I get Kestrels (they are in the same family as falcons, they’re “falconiformes”) around my area - also black shouldered kites…

Amazingly - falcons (and kestrels) are more closely related to crows, sparrows and parrots than they are to hawks and eagles (kites are in the hawk family).

Both kites, and kestrels - have evolved “convergently” to use the same hunting strategy.

I love watching kestrels hover scanning the ground for prey… There’s a great movie by Ken Loach (one of my favourite movie makers) called “Kes” about a kid in the Yorkshire Dales who adopts a kestrel…

(Ken Loach has made nearly his WHOLE movie catalog available to stream for free - Kes is a great movie - but - warning - some of Loach’s other movies, like “I Daniel Blake” are really emotionally stirring and moving - even so it’s one of my favourite movies)

Note : I’m not seeing any of the glitches I posted about when I first started this thread… I don’t get them in any of the streams I’m watching anyway… Nor downloaded movies or TV shows… I should check and see if that BBC / Nat Geo documentary still shows those “artifacts” when I watch it…

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They appear here sometimes too, but are not permanent.
I did not know they were related to crows and parrots. they do have a parrot-like shape.
Yes Kestrels hover … more than kites do.
It is windy here, they can hover in the wind for hours.

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Funny last night I watched . The angels share, superb film but sometimes difficult to understand the glasgow accent, my french wife gave up on it, muttering something about the accent.

Jimmy’s hall is similar but irish accents

Sorry We Missed You, bit of a follow up to my name.

The old oak more recently explores immigration

I think ALL politicians from every party should be made to watch these films to get an understanding of real life …


Wow, you can say that again! I live in the US.


I do not do politics or comment on right left which is best. And dont want to get involved in if trump is best or worst choice… but it was a one horse race.

A country the size of usa must have some young blood with spirit to lead and make the country better

Obama was such a choice, shame his wife did not stand.

I dont have a problem man or woman, white or black, right or left. But can you find someone not in a retirement home next time to stand.

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Sometimes an elderly person can be a good leader.

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Not an elderly person with a lifetime of crime and sexual perversion–don’t want to mention names but his initials are Donald Trump.


Maybe not, I was thinking more of QE2 or Pope Benedict